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10 Cards Sorry Wants Nerfed in Patch 4.11

10 Cards Sorry wants nerfed in Patch 4.11 to balance the Eternal and Standard metas

Heya everyone! With Patch 4.11 around the corner, we're expecting some card changes that will impact both the Standard and Eternal metas. The Standard meta has been dominated by decks like Janna Nilah, Miss Fortune Quinn, and various mid-range archetypes. Despite players' efforts to counter JannaJanna NilahNilah, it remains a solid choice for the ranked ladder and had a popular presence in the Runeterra Open.

In the Eternal meta, decks like AkshanAkshan SamiraSamira, JaxJax ViVi, and Targon Invoke decks reigned supreme during the Patch 4.8 meta. SamiraSamira has already received a nerf, which should weaken decks like AkshanAkshan SamiraSamira and ZoeZoe SamiraSamira.

Let's dive into the nerfs I'd like to see for both the Standard and Eternal Ladders.

Standard Meta

1- Nilah


NilahNilah has proven to be a strong champion due to her Brash keyword and the resource value she generates with SlipstreamSlipstream. I enjoy her unique playstyle, so I'd prefer a minor nerf.

Specifically, I suggest adjusting her SlipstreamSlipstream ability to create a SlipstreamSlipstream in the top 8 cards of the deck instead of the top 6. This change should delay the resource generation and the ability to reduce the cost of cards like Divine WhirlwindDivine Whirlwind, Exalted CloudwinderExalted Cloudwinder, and Windborne MarinerWindborne Mariner.

2- Divine Whirlwind

Divine Whirlwind

Surprisingly, neither Divine WhirlwindDivine Whirlwind nor Howling GaleHowling Gale were addressed in the previous Patch 4.10. Divine WhirlwindDivine Whirlwind is a potent removal and Nexus burn spell with a condition that's easy to fulfill.

To balance this, I propose reducing the burn damage from 2 to 1, ensuring that Divine WhirlwindDivine Whirlwind is more of a removal-oriented spell than a burn tool that can become a burn win condition if Wizened HelmsmanWizened Helmsman creates more copies of it.

3- Howling Gale

Howling Gale

Decks that utilize Howling GaleHowling Gale can easily play three cards to meet its five damage condition. Changing the limit to 4 damage should help keep the strength of Howling GaleHowling Gale in check. Another nerf would be increasing its cost up to 4, making it more of a challenge to play those 3 cards before you get to cast Howling GaleHowling Gale.

4- Glacial Saurian

Glacial Saurian

Glacial SaurianGlacial Saurian has been a Tier-A card, mostly for its card draw ability and Overwhelm keyword. This card found success in decks like Warden of the TribesWarden of the Tribes and GnarGnar DariusDarius. I want to keep that Overwhelm strength and stat buff, but I want to make its card draw condition more difficult to achieve.

Changing Glacial SaurianGlacial Saurian to require two different subtypes on the board to draw a card should encourage players to include it in archetypes that run different subtypes and are capable of keeping two of them on the board.

5- Champions' Strength


It seems Champions' StrengthChampions keeps finding itself in decks capable of taking advantage of the Rally and creating a powerful turn despite the multiple nerfs the card received.

Decks like Miss FortuneMiss Fortune QuinnQuinn, JannaJanna TeemoTeemo, and GalioGalio Jarvan IVJarvan IV have been taking advantage of Champions' StrengthChampions to set up one powerful attack to either close out the game or force the opponent into unfavorable blocks and take over the board presence.

An increase to 9 mana will delay Champions' StrengthChampions, giving the opposing player more time to set up their counterplay.

6- Yuumi


I dislike having to nerf YuumiYuumi to keep the TeemoTeemo YuumiYuumi elusive deck in check, but it has proven problematic if they manage to buff up one of their Elusive units on turn 3.

YuumiYuumi's Power can be dropped to 1, lowering the aggressiveness of the elusive unit while keeping the defensive health active.

7- Durand Sculpture

Durand Sculptor

Formidable decks have been performing exceptionally well in both Standard and Eternal metas. They can put a lot of pressure if Durand SculptorDurand Sculptor isn't killed immediately. The additional health on Formidable units threatens more Nexus damage and can be a challenge to kill.

Dropping Durand SculptorDurand Sculptor's health to 1 should make it vulnerable to pings like Pokey StickPokey Stick, Pie TossPie Toss, Vile FeastVile Feast, and Group ShotGroup Shot.

Eternal Meta

1- Cosmic Call

Cosmic Call

A nerf to Cosmic CallCosmic Call would affect both the Standard and Eternal metas, but this card has had a more significant presence in the Eternal meta. Casting it by turn 5 can lead to incredibly powerful future turns, especially if you find a Living LegendsLiving Legends. Targon decks like ZoeZoe SamiraSamira and ZoeZoe ApheliosAphelios ViktorViktor have been popular choices in Eternal meta.

To balance Cosmic CallCosmic Call, I suggest increasing its mana cost to 9. This nerf should delay the powerful turn and give the opponent more time to win the game before the big Celestial units come into play.

2- Living Legends

Living Legends

If the Cosmic CallCosmic Call nerf isn't the way to go, directly nerfing Living LegendsLiving Legends should be enough to keep Cosmic CallCosmic Call in check. The issue with Cosmic CallCosmic Call is its ability to find Living LegendsLiving Legends, providing you access to a mana refill and a full hand of Celestial cards.

With the Cosmic CallCosmic Call's cost reduction effect, you'll be able to play multiple Celestial cards and set up that powerful turn. Nerfing Living LegendsLiving Legends to only give back mana equal to its cost should limit the number of Celestial cards that can be played in a single turn.

3- Concurrent Timelines

Concurrent Timelines

This is a tough one, but I'm sure we need to nerf Concurrent TimelinesConcurrent Timelines as it has enabled the top-tier deck JaxJax ViVi, which we've seen in many different Eternal metas.

At this point, increasing the cost of Concurrent TimelinesConcurrent Timelines to 3 mana would simply remove it from the meta completely, which might be justifiable in this case since it shined in enough metas.

Another approach is to limit the number of rounds it is active on. For example, we could keep it active for 4 rounds, and after that, your units will not transform anymore unless you cast another Concurrent TimelinesConcurrent Timelines.

Closing Words

Numerous other cards could potentially be candidates for a nerf, including Windborne MarinerWindborne Mariner. However, my preference leans towards minor nerfs to maintain the playability of these archetypes. Buffing other cards can also push new archetypes into the meta without relying only on nerfing the top performers.