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Welcome to the Hextech Mayhem

With the release of Riot’s Hextech Mayhem coming November 16, it is the perfect time to try this deck and blow your opponents’ Nexus off the board, all while creating some great fireworks in the process.

Let’s be honest: when we see ZiggsZiggs, we are not really thinking about Shurima; we are thinking about Piltover and Zaun, great explosions and that magical, wonderful word that crosses his lips and is tingling our senses: BOOOOM!!

With the release of Riot’s Hextech Mayhem coming November 16, it is the perfect time to try this deck and blow your opponents’ Nexus off the board, all while creating some great fireworks in the process.

As you already know, my name is Constantin “CastMin” Dumitru, caster for many community tournaments and peak Top 20 player on the EU server, known for popularizing Burn lists like Pirate Aggro utilizing Double UpDouble Up in the Rising Tides season and FunsmithFunsmith Burn.

Without further ado, let’s get into it.


A booming discovery?


Piltover & Zaun
16 cards
24 cards
27 500
Mana cost
Inventive Chemist
Inventive Chemist
Boomcrew Rookie
Boomcrew Rookie
Stone Stackers
Stone Stackers
Bandle City Mayor
Bandle City Mayor
Lecturing Yordle
Lecturing Yordle
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot
Pokey Stick
Pokey Stick
Get Excited!
Get Excited!
Statikk Shock
Statikk Shock

You have got a clear idea from my articles’ introduction that my main source of joy and entertainment in Runeterra is burning people down to a crisp and finding the best lists to do so. I also have the good habit of introducing FunsmithFunsmith wherever I can.

Don’t JudgmentJudgment me. It’s a cool card, alright?

This list took shape and form two weeks ago with that exact purpose in mind. It is simple, effective, cuts right to the chase and leaves your opponent no room for breathing.

Everything you are running is intended to and will inevitably hurt your opponent’s Nexus in small doses, almost like a bleeding effect that starts when you first Braum Wave at them. And this effect can only be enhanced when FunsmithFunsmith hits the board, as all your damage dealing spells and skills will receive a well-deserved +1 Damage upgrade.

Boomcrew RookieBoomcrew Rookie and ZiggsZiggs are fulfilling a very similar role in this deck, as they are well-stated units for the mana cost they are coming at that do not necessarily need to connect in order to apply their damage. This is what we are calling units that deal over-the-top damage. The stats aspect that I mentioned is very important, as they not only allow for uncomfortable trades for your opponent but they are also allowing you to benefit from attacking more than once with them. And guess what: you do want to attack more than once with them when FunsmithFunsmith is your ultimate pay-off that they are syncing with.

Stone StackersStone Stackers seem like a misfit in this deck at first glance; they have got tuned down in the latest expansion, becoming a 2/3 instead of a 2/2 with Tough, and that lowers their trading efficiency. Besides, FunsmithFunsmith doesn’t work with Impact, so why would you run it, right?
Even though all of that is true, they are undeniably still a resilient unit for the mana cost and smoothen out the early: they are clearing small blockers and trading evenly with two-drops and three-drops. Even that one Impact damage can determine if you win or lose a game.

Lecturing YordleLecturing Yordle is the gift that keeps on giving as your secondary value engine. It helps taking games to the distance, sniping damaged units to clear the way foy your attackers and can deal damage directly to the Nexus by utilizing the Poison DartPoison Darts. The last two can only be enhanced by FunsmithFunsmith, as:

  1. You start being able to deal with large blockers through the Darts.
  2. The one mana deal two applied every two turns on the Nexus if there is no blocker is putting the pressure on.

It is also giving you discard fodder for your Get Excited!Get Excited! and makes for a hard threat to deal with and a unit your opponent will be thinking twice before attacking into – this will only benefit you as you can keep him online for more turns.

ConchologistConchologist and Bandle City MayorBandle City Mayor are acting as value tools.
You are running the first to virtually generate more Mystic ShotMystic Shots and Get Excited!Get Excited!s over the three-copies limit imposed by the deck building restrictions. It also makes a very good pairing with FunsmithFunsmith, as most of the other spells you can generate are dealing damage and can help you deal with blockers ( Group ShotGroup Shot , Poison DartPoison Dart , Pokey StickPokey Stick , TimewinderTimewinder , Bouncing BombBouncing Bomb , Piltover PeacemakerPiltover Peacemaker, Sump FumesSump Fumes ) or can help you find reach and value from your own deck ( Iterative ImprovementIterative Improvement , RummageRummage , Time TrickTime Trick , Insider KnowledgeInsider Knowledge ); worst case scenario you can use them as discard fodder for your Get Excited!Get Excited!.
You are running the second to be able to flood the board, smoothen your curve and be able to drop TeemoTeemo and ZiggsZiggs alongside even more units. And hey: if you hit that sweet Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope loop you are sorted.

Why does this work and not just implode?

The element of surprise 

Some people will have a rough idea what your deck is supposed to do based on your champions and regions, but they are not able to pinpoint exactly what you are running and what they need to play around making them commit mistakes while playing against you because of their lack of knowledge.

Adding value tools to an aggressive deck

This argument in itself makes the deck unique and playable; you are now able to hold your ground in the mid-game instead of desperately pushing for damage because you have the backrow support that is allowing you that in FunsmithFunsmith and Lecturing YordleLecturing Yordle and the draw engine to help you search for the last bits of damage in Pokey StickPokey Stick and Statikk ShockStatikk Shock .

No more decks are running healing outside of Darkness

You can safely chump-block units until you are dealing your last bits of damage because the time constraint is not an issue anymore. Only Gangplank-Sejuani and other Burn matchups will require a sense of urgency from you.

You can punish people’s trash piles

No, you are not playing a trash pile, but if you are playing in the lowest divisions of your rank, including Masters, you will notice people are experimenting with lots of crazy ideas that you can destroy, making it for a smooth sailing in the early parts of your climb.

Opponents disrespect Funsmith

What separates good players from great players is the ability to identify the most urgent threats and deal with them efficiently. And in all my career of playing FunsmithFunsmith people are not respecting her enough, deciding to remove other targets that are less valuable while keeping my value engine intact.

Issues and adjustments so the whole thing does not blow into pieces

While performing and getting me to eight-game win-streaks, this list was still very experimental. Some issues and fixes are:

Still not enough late game draw

Yes, you can rush your opponent down and then shift to burning them, but most of the time you will be running out of resources and not going to be able to play the value game for too long. An easy fix for this is to take out Bandle City MayorBandle City Mayor and put in at least two copies of Augmented ExperimenterAugmented Experimenters, just so you have more toys to play with in the late game.

You are forced to hit a decent starting curve

Your game plan is not impeccable if you cannot start the aggression from the first round. And yes, while you are a late game, some of the heavy-lifting needs to be done in the early game, too. The lack of efficient one-drops is an issue in this region’s combinations, but I can suggest you to include the newly added Forge ChiefForge Chief into the mix. You would already have one slot freed from the previous change, so you can remove one ConchologistConchologist and one AftershockAftershock in order to have nine one-drops. You can only add two and not remove AftershockAftershock but this is already tinkering based on what you are facing on ladder when you are playing.

Closing Words

If you are in search of a fun and enjoyable deck that you can pick up easily, search no more; you have found it. In addition, your games will not take too long and you can climb the lower divisions of your current rank in style or just show people at the higher ranks that you are the better player. 

Enjoy some screenshots of myself doing just that and don’t forget to check this Article for an in-depth guide on how to play other Burn decks, too:


Whatever that future may hold, I hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful.
Don’t forget to check out my Twitter as I will keep you up to date there about my future articles and the best LoR memes and craziest content ideas out there.