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Neeko Path of Champions Strategy Guide

Heart of the Huntress brought the lovable Neeko to Path of Champions -- and while not the strongest, she’s certainly one of the more unique characters in the Path of Champions roster.

The Heart of the Huntress expansion brought the lovable Neeko to Legends of Runeterra's Path of Champions!


While not the strongest of Champions (as you may have seen, we've only rated her as C-tier in our Path of Champions Tier List) she’s certainly one of the more unique characters in the LoR Path of Champions roster because of how she’s able to get you to think differently about subtypes, as well as her having a powerful spell in ShapesplitterShapesplitter.

General Tips for Neeko in Path of Champions

Early Game

Establish the board – this is likely your best chance to begin farming subtype attacks without being contested, or to set up blockers for Shapesplitter combos.

Mid Game

Your units are cheap, so if you desperately need a few more subtypes for a Neeko level up, it’s usually worth sacrificing them if she’s going to flip on committing the attack.

Late Game

If you continue to struggle until the late game, Crested LionhawkCrested Lionhawk has the potential to find a game ending Demacian spell, or to Shapesplitter a levelled or almost levelled Neeko to get +2/+2 on attack.

What to do when behind

If you are having trouble safely levelling Neeko due to unsafe attacks, you may want to hold off until your attack would instantly level her up so she gains elusive. If you have an extra copy of Neeko in hand, there’s nothing wrong with letting a Neeko on board die to replay her, instead of saving her with Shapesplitter.

How to stay ahead

Make sure that you have enough replacement units on the off chance your board gets wiped. Don’t take unsafe attacks just to farm subtypes - only do so if Neeko will level up.

Maintain board pressure, because that’s usually all you have!

Neeko Path of Champions Strategies: Subtype Swarm, and Shapesplitter

There are two main playstyles for Neeko in Path of Champions:

  • Subtype Swarm
  • Shapesplitter

We’ll detail both of them below, for players interested in either strategy.

Subtype Swarm Strategy

The Subtype Swarm Strategy is a lot more focused on being able to play a lot of different units with a lot of different subtypes and trying to level up Neeko as fast as possible. Neeko (level 2)Neeko (level 2) is very powerful as she helps scale a lot of the different units in the deck (and out of the deck in many cases) during the mid- or late-game. The more attacks you're able to get off with Neeko, the more scaling.

The Subtype Swarm also has the benefit of synergizing well with her star powers, either by decreasing the cost of subtype units, giving units the shapesplitter tag, or granting Impact.

Shapesplitter Strategy

The ShapesplitterShapesplitter strategy is much more focused on casting Shapesplitter. There are two maindeck copies, and we can get more thanks to it being Neeko’s signature spell.


Although it can be harder to get specifically Shapesplitter in hand than play for the generic swarm strategy, this strategy has the benefit of being much more flexible on relic builds, and can be made even more consistent by adding more copies of NeekoNeeko to the deck.

On the other hand, one of this strat's biggest weaknesses is that you’re likely not going to use Neeko’s disguise mechanic if you really want to maximize the utility of your relics. And a smaller, but sometimes significant weakness is that you may have less units on board due to needing the space to cast ShapesplitterShapesplitter.



- Going wide

Good draw and a number of affordable units, even without any stars

- Early establishment (1*, 3*)


- Base deck is lacking combat tricks and board interaction

- Little defensive options, limited to Shapesplitter, chump blockers, and Tufted Webspinner active.

- Your attack opportunities are less common than other characters due to a lack of scaling before Neeko levels up.

- There is no scaling without Neeko level up.

- Scaling with Neeko is slow, as she only grants the buff every time she attacks.

Neeko Path of Champions – Star Powers

Neeko Path of Champions Powers

Harmony of the Wild ⭐

Each round, the first ally you play with a different subtype than other allies costs one less mana.

Any card discounts can be incredibly useful in Path of Champions, especially if you’re able to utilize those discounts early.

At ⭐, this power is incredibly helpful. Sadly, it feels much worse at ⭐⭐ as the deck has no one-cost units, meaning that you’re still going to be limited to playing a single unit at mana 2 (your new first turn).

And, because it only applies to subtypes that are not on board, it encourages adding units of a variety of subtypes when drafting, rather than adding spells. However, be aware that the base deck is already lacking in spells.

Definitely Not Neeko ⭐⭐

This power provides +1 Starting Mana, and at game start, for each ally in your deck, if it has a subtype, grant it Impact. Otherwise, it becomes a Shapeshifter.

Giving the Shapeshifter tag is helpful for being able to give Harmony of the Wild cost decrease to all units, especially considering that many support champions don’t have subtypes by default. Sadly, the Impact keyword alone being granted to subtype units often doesn’t help with advancing a strategy.

Like the Harmony of the Wild power, Definitely Not Neeko further encourages adding even more subtype units, discouraging the addition of spells even further.

Harmony of the Wild II ⭐⭐⭐

Each round, the first ally you play with a different subtype than other allies costs 2 less.

Much more significant, as you are now able to play two units on mana 2 (round 1). As well as being able to play expensive units up to two rounds earlier (although it’s not recommended, as having a variety of subtypes is usually still a lot stronger for Neeko).

Neeko Path of Champions  – Base Deck

Behold the Infinite: Far-Sight Alteration (Game Start: Draw me if I’m not in your hand) at level 18, and Hextech Fabricator 1 (Grant your strongest ally a random common item this game.) at level 27.

Behold the Infinite

The only spell in the deck aside from Shapesplitter, best used as a much less consistent Supercool StarchartSupercool Starchart to find The MessengerThe Messenger or The SerpentThe Serpent, or as a desperate attempt to find a combat spell.

Frostcoat Cub: Dragon Tooth (+1|+1, Fury , and I am a Dragon.) at level 15, and Philosopher’s Stone (When I’m summoned, draw 1.) at level 24.

Frostcoat Cub

Acts as double subtypes in a single unit (at level 15), as well as being a 3/4 body in the early game that helps collect early subtypes for Neeko’s level-up condition. Additionally, at level 24, it’s never a dead draw late game either thanks to the option to play it as Frostcoat MotherFrostcoat Mother, meaning it’s never something that feels bad to draw or play. This card is a great one to keep in the deck.

Tufted Webspinner: Giant’s Belt (+0|+2) at level 6

Tufted Webspinner

The only spider in the base deck, its stats aren’t incredible but can be helpful thanks to its on play effect.

It loses its power against taller enemies. Sadly, due to the fact it requires another unit of a different subtype on the board in order to activate its effect, more often than not, Tufted Webspinner ends up as a cheap combo option. Not as safe as the Frostcoat Cub, but still playable as your first unit if you’re desperate.

Shapesplitter: Hand Censor (Grant the unit nearest to the top of your deck +1|+1) at level 3


Shapesplitter is your faithful offensive AND defensive option. It’s an incredibly flexible card that can be used to enable combos, abuse on-summon effects, and is strong enough on its own to create an entire alternative win condition, or even entire play style for the deck.

The item, Hand Censor, is usually irrelevant, but doesn’t make the spell any worse. Costing three is also a huge plus, as it can now be played as early as mana 2 with Neeko with a Lost Chapter equipped.

Bonehide Tri-tail: Warding Charm (Spellshield ) at level 12

Bonehide Tri-tail

The only cat in the base deck, it has the potential to grow insanely large because of its effect. With its base stats and Overwhelm keyword, you only need 2 other subtypes for this kitten to be an importan threat. It’s even able to combo with Shapesplitter after committing an attack or block, for extra surprise damage.

Our kitten biggest downside is that it needs setup and can’t do much on its own. Not a bad choice if you need that little bit of extra push to finish games if Neeko doesn’t ever get the chance to level up.

Grave Companion: Pickaxe (+2|+0) at level 2

Grave Companion

A confusing addition to the deck, Grave CompanionGrave Companion provides even more draw to a deck that already has more than enough draw in it. Oddly enough, it’s encouraged to attack as it gets Pickaxe as early as level 2, despite it not only being an engine, but also us already having a better, cheaper attacking dog in Frostcoat Cub.

There isn’t a need for Grave Companion in the deck, so I would recommend cutting it deck as soon as possible.

Glacial Saurian: Studded Leather (+1|+1) at level 9

Glacial Saurian

The only reptile in the deck, it’s a big body that wants to be played during the mid-game to get value and isn’t hard to combo by the time it comes out. Solid body, solid effect. Nothing special, but easily a fine card that does what it needs to.

Crested Lionhawk: Double Time Watch (Round End: Reduce my cost by 1) at level 21

Crested Lionhawk

While an expensive bird, it’s a bird nonetheless, and the spell you choose to manifest can be quite helpful, as you have the potential to get buffs and combat tricks that your deck is normally lacking.

Before getting Double Time Watch it might take much longer than you’d like for it to come out, though, but if you’re having trouble closing out games, Crested Lionhawk has the potential to give you a way to finish.

If you aren’t having trouble closing games, or not even getting the opportunity to play the Demacian bird, it’s an easy cut from the deck once you’re able to acquire a cheaper bird, or if you plan on getting the Bird subtype from Neeko's disguise.

Best Path of Champions Relics for Neeko

Most relic combos are for the Shapesplitter combo play style, as relics are a lot less impactful for the swarm strategy since power is spread across units rather than going all-in on Neeko.

Lost Chapter

(When I’m summoned, refill your spell mana)

If you’re playing for the Shapesplitter combo, Lost Chapter is often core to your strategy as it allows for playing NeekoNeeko and immediately using ShapesplitterShapesplitter on her, refilling your spell mana, and repeating for as many Shapesplitter you have in hand.

Archangel Staff

(Round Start: Refill your spell mana)

The same idea as Lost Chapter, but not as good, as you’re restricted to keeping NeekoNeeko on board for a round and doesn’t give the spell mana on summon.

The Grand General’s Counterplan vs Galeforce

Both have their benefits and drawbacks, but you can only use one or the other due to their interactions.


(Scout . Round End: Recall me)

Helps you gather subtypes for level Neeko, as a recalled, disguised Neeko will recall as Neeko. Casting Shapesplitter on Neeko will create a follower, that will not recall and is also not Neeko. If the follower is in your deck, it will share the items as that follower.

Galeforce is great for farming subtypes and playing for on-summon strategies, and gets bonus points for the potential of getting an extra Neeko (level 2)Neeko (level 2) attack buff per attack.

If you’re playing Galeforce for Shapesplitter strategies, be aware that you need at least one copy of Shapesplitter in hand, so if you’re unlucky, you may be in a worse spot than the guarantee that The Grand General’s Counterplan provides.

As an extra bonus: Ephemeral Neekos get recalled at end of round as well, meaning you can turn your Shapesplitters into more Neekos if needed.

The Grand General’s Counterplan:

(Round Start: Create a Fleeting copy of me in hand)

Great for guaranteeing that you’ll be able to cast a Shapesplitter every round as long as you’re able to play at least one Neeko that survives to the next round. Neeko is too frail to always safely attack, but with the copy made in hand, you won’t need to worry about losing your Neeko if you’re playing for swarm strategies.

The Grand General’s Counterplan’s only real weaknesses are that it’s slower than Galeforce (since you have to wait a round to get value out of it), and that it will return the unit that Neeko is currently disguised as, and not a copy of Neeko herself. So be sure to consider it before disguising!

Tempest Blade + Crownguard Inheritance (Optional):

Tempest Blade: (When I level up, Stun all enemies)
Crownguard Inheritance: (When I level up, Rally)

If you’re playing for swarm, because of Neeko levelling up after committing your attack, enemies won’t be able to establish more units once their entire board is stunned from Tempest Blade. Most often a single unblocked attack, with a decent board and Neeko providing everything +1/+1, is enough to end the game on the spot, but if you need that little bit of extra power, Crownguard Inheritance will give you a second attack against your stunned opponents, pushing an even stronger attack the second time around.

Guardian’s Orb

(When I’m summoned, grant Epic items to 3 random cards in your deck)

Because of Neeko’s low cost and ShapesplitterShapesplitter, you’re able to get many activations of Guardian’s Orb in a single game, making it a fun shenanigan build if you’re looking to go for Shapesplitter combos and to adapt to whatever epic items the game throws your way.

Unfortunately, if your deck has more unique cards in it, it’s less likely to hit the cards you want it to hit, so be sure to trim cards where possible or to add more copies of cards that are already in your deck if you have to take some. Although it isn’t always consistent or reliable, this relic allows for many, many potential (stupid) combos, to the point where even running 3x Guardian’s Orb is a legitimate build!

The Chameleon’s Necklace

(Game Start: Create 2 copies of me in your deck)

A bit overkill, but if you’re playing for a Shapesplitter strategy, and you’re having trouble having enough copies of Shapesplitter in hand, it’s not a bad choice. You also get the bonus that it’s already her necklace, so why shouldn’t she get to wear it?

Good, Neutral relics

  • The Bounty Hunter’s Renown
    (I have +1|+1 for every 200 gold you have.)
  • Z-Drive Prototype
    (Start adventures with +2 Rerolls)
  • Voidborne Carapace
    (When ANY unit dies, grant me its keywords.)

Provides Impact stacking thanks to Definitely Not Neeko

Monthly Tech build

Stacking Ravenous Hydra (When I’m summoned, deal 1 to all enemies) can be viable against certain encounters, turning ShapesplitterShapesplitter on Neeko becoming anywhere from a 1-3 damage board wipe depending on how many you want to stack on her. The theory hasn’t been widely tested yet, so use it at your own risk!

For the Memes!

Chemtech Duplicator + Luden’s Tempest + Dreadway Chase Gun

Chemtech Duplicator: (When you play a spell, if you have 6+ mana gems, copy it with the same targets)

Luden’s Tempest: (All your spells and skills deal 1 extra damage)

Dreadway Chase Gun: (When I’m summoned, create 2 Warning ShotWarning Shots in hand)

By using Shapesplitter and filling your board with Neeko, you have the power to make 6 Neeko from two casts of Shapesplitter and 7x cast your 7 damage Warning ShotWarning Shots. (Conditions may apply.)

Synergistic Powers for Neeko in Path of Champions

Aside from the usual strong powers, here are synergistic powers that you may want to consider that you may not have normally for other members of the cast.

Common Powers

Dragon’s Rage (When you summon an ally, grant it Fury . It is a Dragon): One less subtype to look for when leveling up Neeko.

Rush Them Down (When you summon an ally, give it +1|+1 this round): Helps a lot with Neeko’s aggressive swarm strategy, and gives your board a bit more survivability when going for level progress.

Quick Draw (Cards you draw cost 1 less this round): Further assists with swarming the board, especially with the amount of draw Neeko's deck has.

Higher Education (When you draw a card, give allies +1|+0 this round): Neeko’s deck has a good amount of draw in it, so Higher Education is good for further pushing damage with a swarm plan.

Rare Powers

Domination (Round Start: Rally): Helps advance Neeko even on defensive turns.

Lie in Wait (Allies everywhere that cost 3 or less are Lurkers and have Lurk ): An extra subtype for Neeko level up, as well as giving many non-subtype units a subtype so they’re able to benefit from Definitely Not Neeko. Since the base deck already has many low-cost units, and the deck can discount more expensive units to cost 3 or less, most of the units in the deck will be able to benefit from any Lurk buffs you can collect. Underrated power for Neeko.

Reunited (Allies have +1|+0): Further enhances the swarm plan Neeko encourages.

Vanguard Lookout (Game Start: Summon 2 Vanguard LookoutVanguard Lookouts): Two good defensive blockers for the early game, with the Elite subtype for Neeko's level-up.

Epic Powers

Evolution (Allies have +1|+1 for each keyword they have): Because Dragon’s Rage and Lie in Wait are already good powers on Neeko, Evolution compliments them incredibly well. And even when you’re unable to find either of those, your units with subtypes in the deck will gain a free +1/+1 just from the Impact keyword they get from Definitely Not Neeko.

Explosive Entrance (When you summon an ally, deal 1 to the enemy Nexus): Helpful burn for any swarm strategy. Can easily deal 10+ Nexus damage every fight without counterplay.

Lil’ Buddies (Round Start: Summon a random 1 cost Poro): Poro subtype for Neeko level! Nice early game defenders as well.

Share The Bounty (When you target an ally with a single-target spell, copy it on your weakest ally): A solid option when you’re playing for Shapesplitter strategies, doubling your summon effects.

Sharing is Caring (When you summon an ally, grant its keywords to all allies): Can get absolutely stupid in combination with Definitely Not Neeko, as every unit with Impact will share the keyword across all units, including the units you play.

Best Support Champions for Neeko

Bandle City

Neeko loves BCBandle City reinforcements because of the variety of subtypes they often provide.

You’ll commonly find Yordles and Fae, both of which are not in the base deck (although Neeko can disguise as Fae occasionally). Of note: YuumiYuumi, although a cat, will only count as a cat subtype if she attacks unattached. Mecha Yordles will count as a single Mecha Yordle subtype.


Jarvan IVJarvan IV: Elite subtype, but he comes out late. CataclysmCataclysm can be cool for getting extra procs of Neeko.

QuinnQuinn: Shockingly good. Provides Yordle, Elite, and a bird through ValorValor!


LuluLulu: Provides Yordles immediately, with Fae down the line.

Piltover and Zaun

TeemoTeemo: Provides Yordle + a dog. Both Teemo and Puffcap PupPuffcap Pup want to attack thanks to their keywords.

Runeterran Champions

AatroxAatrox and KaynKayn both provide Cultist and Darkin. These dark kin are lumped together because of their power to both provide unique subtypes alongside additional healing that the base deck would normally be lacking.

JaxJax: Early weaponmasters can be nice for stacking subtypes.

Shadow Isles

NocturneNocturne: Surprisingly not bad! Provides an early bird in Stygian OnlookerStygian Onlooker, then DoombeastDoombeast for a bit of burn, and Nocturne's flip would actually hit a wide board.


RenektonRenekton: Reptile + Ascended, on top of RenektonRenekton already wanting to attack. Ruthless PredatorRuthless Predator is also a very helpful tool, as Neeko is lacking in the ability to pick off specific enemies.

AzirAzir: Bird Ascended, actually not bad because of the sheer amount of units you summon, but may be a bit riskier due to AzirAzir not always wanting to attack before he levels up.


LeonaLeona: Solari SunhawkSolari Sunhawk is a bir, also helps with stuns for combat tricks.

Which Cards to Draft

Picking cards is the most challenging part of playing Neeko in Path of Champions (at least if you go for the Swarm strategy).

On one hand, adding additional cards for extra subtypes will help your strategy be more consistent, but also simultaneously makes it less consistent by bloating your deck. All in all, you’ll generally do better with a wider variety of subtypes in the deck, as it’ll both help with Neeko level up and getting discounts from your star powers.

Items that you may want to look out for that are attached to cards:

  • Poro Snax (Summon a random 1 cost Poro.)
  • Poro Fluft (Reduce my cost and stats to 1. I am a Poro.)
  • Mighty Moustache (Summon a Mighty PoroMighty Poro.)

If you don’t have a way to summon Poros, these items can help gather an extra subtype.

  • Dragon Tooth (+1|+1, Fury , and I am a Dragon.)

Same as the previous three items, but for dragons instead.

Monthly Niche

Theoretically Neeko could be used as a counterpick / tech option by abusing on-summon effects like Ravenous Hydra against 1hp fights. In other cases, she isn’t a bad rusher option for beating the early challenges. Her biggest weakness is when playing for swarm strategies, she’s heavily reliant on support champions and has a lot of weaknesses without being able to adjust the deck significantly.

Wrapping Up

Thanks for reading my first Champion guide for Path of Champions on Mastering Runeterra!

If you have any ideas or requests for future topics on Path, ask away on Reddit or ask me directly on Discord @YouuXun.

Shoutout to the Path community for providing so much documentation, info and discussion to help push the mode forward.

If you find this guide useful, or you’re interested in more Path content, I’m going to be trying to post more on my YouTube channel:
