Best LoR Decks for the Standard and Eternal Ladders
As June starts, three Eternal Opens loom close: the largest LoR grassroots, our very own MaRu $1K Eternal Open this coming Saturday 3rd…
… followed by not one, but two Runeterra Opens in the following weekends.
Pilots have certainly taken notice: checking our today's data, the Eternal ladder has more than twice as many games than the Standard ladder.
We'll therefore go through the Eternal decks first (lots of changes since last week), and in the second half of this article dive into what Standard has to offer.
Best LoR Decks for the Eternal Ladder
These are the 7 most popular Eternal LoR decks according to Legna the Mastering Runeterra Meta Tier List:
Sources: MaRu's data (which samples Plat+ players) and Legna's data (which samples High Diamond & Masters players) – both sources in turn get their data directly from Riot (via Riot's API).
Overall Trends of the LoR Eternal Ladder
Once the Kings and Queens of their respective metas, Thresh Nasus and Poppy Ziggs have shot to the top of the Eternal ladder: they are overall the archetypes that see the most play, have the most-played specific decklists, and their win rates are through the roof.
Annie Jhin, on its part, gets the remarkable achievement of being the first (and thus far only) deck with simultaneous excellent performance in both ladders – the Standard and the Eternal builds are not the exact same, but close enough to let Annie Jhin brag about having achieved a feat no other LoR deck ever has.
And, yes: that's Ryze, on the seventh spot by popularity!
LoR Eternal Juggernauts – Best Legends of Runeterra Decks for the Eternal Ladder
Here we showcase Eternal LoR decks with more than 2100 games in the last three days, and good-to-great win rate – the best tried-and-true tools to be found in our LoR Eternal Meta Tier List!
Thresh Nasus
Once upon a time, right before the Dark Age of Azirelia, one of the rulers of the LoR meta.
And during the Dark Ages that befell afterward, one of Azirelia's predators, that could reliably keep the Blade storm at bay.
Lo and behold! Thresh Nasus is back, in full force and top shape, and by a wide margin is today the most-played specific decklist (nearly 10,000 games in the last three days), and crushing foes like in its prime: 58% win rate.
Among its many victims: Poppy Ziggs, Annie Jhin, and Draven Sion all crumble in Thresh Nasus' wake.
Its weak spot? Annie Katarina: the red-haired pair have 70% odds when facing the Big Dog and his lamp-holding sidekick.
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Poppy Ziggs
Another very old archetype that once was the undisputed ruler of the LoR meta, even retaining such a title through a round of nerfs: Poppy Ziggs.
These two Yordles are currently the Eternal heavy-hitters, striking above 61% across 6,700 games – and that's in spite of having awful odds when facing Thresh Nasus, and also suffering a great deal against Draven Sion.
On the backswing, their edge against Annie Jhin, Ryze, Annie Katarina, and above all Sett Trundle is huge. As Jason wrote in his no-nonsense Poppy Ziggs Deck Guide: "Ziggs Poppy is the classic definition of the fun police. If you are trying to get cute and have fun, Ziggs Poppy is gonna come rain on your parade."
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Ravembloom Annie Katarina
One of last week's forerunners, Annie Katarina shows it was not early-days fluke: close to 4,500 games played in the last three days, winrate north of 55%, and the deck to play if you want to stop Thresh Nasus in its tracks.
Also excellent against Sett Trundle, but quite the lousy matchups against Ziggs Poppy and Annie Jhin.
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Lonesome Ryze
A recent development that is certainly not going to make everybody happy, the Rune Mage has returned to the Runeterra meta. He doesn't seem about to break it, though, currently showcasing a 53% win rate: very good, but nowhere near as well-performing as the majority of the Top Dogs we'll see today.
Fairly decent against Thresh Nasus and Sett Trundle – utterly horrible against Poppy Ziggs and Annie Jhin.
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Bandle Bar: Seraphine Ezreal Viktor
Turning Eternal into a Singleton queue, Seraphine invites Ezreal and Viktor to the Back Alley Bar – if you're looking for variety in your games this is probably it, although it's the weakest of the decks we'll showcase in this section (still a solid 52%, but like Ryze, not as heavy-hitting as other Juggernauts).
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Draven Sion Samira
The Discard Boys have made room for one copy of Samira (eat your heart out, Vi!]], while both Blowback and Pirouette are three-ofs mainstays.
The results? An amazing 57% win rate in about 2100 games, and a deck that axes Poppy Ziggs and Annie Katarina while having a small edge on Annie Jhin.
The red flag here is the disastrous Nasus Thresh matchup, though.
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LoR Eternal Heavyweights – Strong Eternal Decks
These Eternal decks have between 1000 and 2100 games in the last three days – solid picks for climbing the Legends of Runeterra ladder!
The Eternal Annie Jhin
Putting the eternal in Eternal, brazing brat and bullet buff scoff and smirk at other elderly Top Dogs, like Nasus Thresh or Poppy Ziggs, that have returned by adding a couple of new tricks to their builds.
Not Annie Jhin: this is pretty much the same build that shone pre-rotation (and there's also the fancy list, swapping one Legion Grenadier for Sigil of Malice), and is tearing the house down right now with a 57% win rate.
It does have terrible problems with Thresh Nasus and Poppy Ziggs, so we'll see who comes out on top.
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Sett Trundle
After so many familiar pairings, it's refreshing to find a novel friendship forming: Boss and Troll King are still alive and punching, with a very nice 53% winrate across 1700 games.
Their problem, like many other Eternal decks, is Poppy Ziggs… but the real problem is how utterly disastrous that matchup is: less than 20% odds for King & Boss, which is "auto-lose" territory for card games.
They also lose quite badly to Annie decks (Annie Jhin, and Annie Kat), so it's quite the bumpy beginning for this beautiful friendship.
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Jack Twisted Fate
Broken-hearted for being rotated before Graves ever made it to Standard, Twisted Fate has found Eternal solace in Jack's fishy company – and it's looking quite the partnership thus far, grazing a 55% win rate: nothing new for the card-slinger (Twisted Fate has found his way in his fair share of top-meta decks), but it's truly novel territory for Jack.
This duo is great at punishing both Annie Jhin and Poppy Ziggs, while having even odds against Nasus Thresh – great spot to be in right now.
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Katarina Norra
The Portaling Yordle has known some success pairing with Noxus, but it's Katarina rather than Swain this time.
And they've brought Lord Broadmane and Ravenbloom Conservatory for the ride, for a whopping 56% win rate in about 1,200 games!
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Gwen Sejuani
RickoRex must be getting soft as of late – I mean, c'mon, really: only two Battle Furys!?
On the other hand, maybe it's to give foes a fighting chance, because Blue Sej has been punching above 58%, and spawning Eternal Masters like it's nothing!
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Punching Up – Eternal Decks Doing Great
Runeterra decks with between 600 and 1000 games in the last three days in the Eternal ladder – we're sailing into small data samples, yet all decks here have quite a few games under their belts.
Elise Kindred Norra
Kindred Nasus, the usual shell for The Undying, hasn't found much Eternal success.
Yet a threesome with Norra and Elise is proving quite successful, and currently the only deck where Kindred seems to shine (Kindred Viego is also showing some promise, but with too small a sample size).
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The Mountain Bar: Aphelios Ezreal Seraphine Viktor
If the Bandle version is too Main Street for you, here's the real Back Alley version: from Bandle City to Targon, and four different champs for that Singleton feel.
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Glorious Lonesome Norra
Turns out the Portaling Yordle needs no other Champ riding shotgun for her to knock foes down! While we're moving into smallish sample sizes (around 800 games in this case), this is actually Norra's hardest-hitting deck: 58% right now.
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Pirates, aka Miss Fortune Twisted Fate
Yeah, well, it was bound to happen: one of Runeterra's longest-running archetypes is back at it – and with smashing success. It may be due to the abundance of unrefined brews out there, but Pirates has the highest winrate of all decks showcased today… in both ladders!
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Other Strong Eternal Considerations
If none of the above float your boat on the Eternal LoR ladder, here are a handful of options that are doing very well.
- Timelines Gone Bananas pulls off a feat we haven't seen in a while: a deck that performs great with zero Champs in it!
- Jax Vi: Enforcer and Weaponmaster join forces again, with a little help from Innovative Blacksmith – amazing performance thus far, and this is a shell that has worked very well in the past,
- Ornn Trundle: Ornn has yet to find a deck where he can truly shine – will the Troll King become his ideal partner? Although not amazing, thus far numbers look fairly good,
- Lulu Poppy: Another Poppy brew that shined quite brightly in its heyday, now with a high enough winrate to suggest it may be about to return.
- Draven Jinx: The original Discard pair, with a couple of new tricks up their sleeves.
Best LoR Decks for the Standard Ladder
These are the 7 most popular Standard LoR decks according to Legna the Mastering Runeterra Meta Tier List:
Sources: MaRu's data (which samples Plat+ players) and Legna's data (which samples High Diamond & Masters players) – both sources in turn get their data directly from Riot (via Riot's API).
Overall Trends of the LoR Standard Ladder
Things look pretty much like last week, probably due to a combination of Eternal being a fresh new meta, all high-stakes tournaments being in the Eternal format, and the Variety Patch not having impacting Standard too much.
In particular, the two strongest Samira decks (those being Samira Jinx, and Samira Fizz) remain as potent as before Samira's nerfs.
LoR Standard Juggernauts – Best Legends of Runeterra Decks for the Standard Ladder
Here we showcase Standard LoR decks with more than 2100 games in the last three days, and good-to-great win rate – the best tried-and-true tools the LoR meta has to offer!
Garen Jarvan Kai'Sa
Elites has overtaken every other LoR deck in the Standard ladder, and is the single most-played deck in the last three days, with about 3,400 games under their Demacian belt and a 56% win rate.
Kai'Sa's return to the top is fueled by its huge edge against Karma Sett (which is still the most popular archetype overall) and Caitlyn Teemo, also have a small edge against both of Samira's decks (Jinx Samira, and Fizz Samira).
Garen Jarvan Kai'Sa's main predator seems to be Azir Nasus, and Lurkers are also solid against the reigning Juggernaut.
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Jinx Samira
Breathing down Elites' neck, Jinx Samira has by now demonstrated that Samira's nerfs didn't slow it down a bit: winrate of nearly 57% in about 2,300 games played.
The pew-pew-BOOM pair absolutely demolishes Annie Jhin, has great odds against Samira Fizz and Lurkers, and has the upper hand against Vault Nasus variants – and itself seems to have no weak spot among the other Top Dods, losing only to less popular (albeing still very strong) decks like Illaoi Swain or Aatrox Quinn Vayne.
Further reading: Samira Jinx Deck Guide.