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Turbo Thralls Deck Guide

Thralls is a deck that wants to slow down and stall out the game for a few turns giving themselves time to set up a massive board of 8/8 overwhelm units!


Thralls is a deck that wants to slow down and stall out the game for a few turns giving themselves time to set up a massive board of 8/8 overwhelm units! With Promising FuturePromising Future and TaliyahTaliyah, a single Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall can become a board of four Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall’s as early as turn six! Some people believe thralls to be inconsistent because they see their opponent pull off this combo and then go to try it themselves without having the fundamental knowledge they need to pull it off, this is also the reason why Thralls has come to be known as a “high-roll deck”.  In this guide Cameron and Monte will do their best to teach you how to “high-roll” consistently and overwhelm your opponents with 8/8’s!


23 cards
17 cards
27 700
Mana cost
Frozen Thrall
Frozen Thrall
Blighted Ravine
Blighted Ravine
Clockwork Curator
Clockwork Curator
Kindly Tavernkeeper
Kindly Tavernkeeper
Draklorn Inquisitor
Draklorn Inquisitor
The Clock Hand
The Clock Hand
Imagined Possibilities
Imagined Possibilities
Three Sisters
Three Sisters
Time in a Bottle
Time in a Bottle
Ice Shard
Ice Shard
Succumb to the Cold
Succumb to the Cold
Promising Future
Promising Future

Card Breakdown:

3x Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall – This card is absolutely central to your gameplan as it is the building block for our combo. Once the countdown completes, this landmark turns into an 8/8 Overwhelm Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall.  You will want to have this down on turn one every single game if possible, doing so will let you streamline your game plan and make managing the gamestate much easier as you will have inevitability on your side and can focus on using your resources to slow down your opponent

3x Three SistersThree Sisters – Three sisters is your primary interaction in this deck. All 3 options can be put to good use, making it an excellent inclusion. Flash FreezeFlash Freeze will be the most common choice enabling you to survive swings from common threats like Sion or Rek’Sai.  EntombEntomb will let you temporarily take threats like Sion or Rek’sai off the field, save your own units (this can sometimes matter against Ezreal decks) or it can also be used to set-up lethal attacks with your overwhelm units(you can’t “ghost block” a unit with the overwhelm keyword). Despite being a weaker option than the other two Fury of the NorthFury of the North will still find its moments, the HP buff off of this card will enable you to save your unit and push damage in some niche situations. Overall the versatility of Three SistersThree Sisters in this deck makes it an amazing inclusion

2x Imagined PossibilitiesImagined Possibilities –  In most games you will be using Imagined Possibilities to accelerate your countdown(s) by one, usually you will play this after using TaliyahTaliyah to duplicate a Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall that has had Promising FuturePromising Future cast on it. In an extreme pinch it might be worth it to try and high-roll a Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine or a PreservariumPreservariumoff of the create option, keep in mind there are fourteen landmarks with countdown currently in the game, this means you have approximately a 7% chance to hit any one specific landmark, this truly is a hail-mary play and should only be considered when there are no other options. 

3x Clockwork CuratorClockwork Curator –  We are a deck that wants to accelerate the countdown of a landmark, Clockwork Curator does exactly that while being relatively cheap and has decent stats. Sometimes you will just need a unit to not die to aggro, in those matchups it’s fine to play this as a vanilla 2/2

3x Time in a BottleTime in a Bottle – More countdown acceleration, this time it’s a Focus speed spell that also lets you predict! When deciding what to take off of the predict you’ll want to be VERY picky! Consider what you will actually be able to make use of in the next few turns, and then also think about whether or not there are other, better, card options in your deck to help you deal with your current situation.  Don’t forget you can skip your prediction by clicking the pass button!

2x PreservariumPreservarium – A landmark with countdown that draws you more cards. Taliyah level up is negligible in this deck but it is important to have access to card draw and this is the best option in our region combination.  In a pinch you can combo PreservariumPreservarium with Time in a BottleTime in a Bottle or Clockwork CuratorClockwork Curator to draw two cards in a turn (one of your choosing if you used Time in a BottleTime in a Bottle)

3x Kindly TavernkeeperKindly Tavernkeeper – A little bit of healing can go a long way when all it takes is one more turn to countdown, create a board of 8/8 overwhelm units and win the game.  Tavernkeeper is our only fearsome blocker, this is something important to remember when playing against Sion or aggro decks running Precious PetPrecious Pet

3x LissandraLissandra – The one and only Ice Queen, before the nerfs to The Watcher Lissandra was more often a win-condition on her own nowadays her primary purpose is to create a Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall on turn three or to give your nexus tough letting you survive another turn. Remember that the generated Ice ShardIce Shard will push one damage directly to nexus as well as an additional point of damage for every blocker under a Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall it hits 

2x Ice ShardIce Shard – Cheap, fast speed removal. There aren’t currently a lot of x/1’s in the meta so we don’t want to be maxing out on Ice ShardIce Shard, you’ll mostly be using this to clean up left-over x/1’s after an AvalancheAvalanche or Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine

3x AvalancheAvalanche – One of the deck’s two main removal options, very effective at dealing with the wide boards that plague this meta. Don’t be too greedy with this, always ask yourself “am I ok taking this damage if they don’t play another unit?” If your answer is “No” then you shouldn’t be greedy with AvalancheAvalanche. Though they do similar things AvalancheAvalanche is a better development punishment than Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine so try to use it as such!


3x Blighted RavineBlighted RavineAvalancheAvalanche in a landmark! Ravine has the added benefit of healing you for two effective HP and dealing two damage to the enemy nexus! This will sometimes be the best, or the only, way for you to close out the game. Be careful though because the nexus damage can also kill you! You can use Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine in a similar way to AvalancheAvalanche but you can also use it to stall an opponent’s development for a turn.  

3x Promising FuturePromising Future – This is your main combo piece, using it on a Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall will let you create two Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall, throw a TaliyahTaliyah into the mix and suddenly you have a full board of overwhelm units ready to set the enemy nexus to 0! Be cautious using this against decks with landmark removal, as they will be able to disrupt your combo, you’ll want to hold off until the last possible moment so you can guarantee the double Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall

2x Succumb to the ColdSuccumb to the ColdSuccumb to the ColdSuccumb to the Cold fits this meta perfectly, it is an answer to all the big threats like SionSion, Rek'Sai or even PoppyPoppy. On top of frostbiting a unit it also gives you a Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall!  It has different uses in different situations, don’t hesitate to use it as a way of unbricking thrall-less hands. 

Although this won’t happen often, this can burst level up your TaliyahTaliyah, doing so will prevent your opponent from being able to react and you’ll be able to push some extra damage.

1x Draklorn InquisitorDraklorn Inquisitor – A lot of people may question why we are only running one Draklorn InquisitorDraklorn Inquisitor, the reason we’re not playing more is because this card is surprisingly clunky and we want to play this list as a combo deck. Draklorn InquisitorDraklorn Inquisitor makes it harder to get four Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall’s out of one Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall because it summons a Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall of its own and clogs up your board space.  

2x TaliyahTaliyah –  Taliyah often is just your second promising future with a body that is also extra reach for damage, however if you copy a thrall that has already been casted promising future it will be four thralls and that is usually game winning.    

2x The Clock HandThe Clock Hand Clock hand is a card that bails you out of the games that you didn’t draw thrall early, it gives you two spells that lets you advance your landmark four times in burst speed. This means you’re giving your opponent only one action while you can burst out, usually two units which are very deadly that they cannot react to. 



In Depth Deck guide:


Learning how to mulligan properly with this deck can be very difficult, according to CameronHanzo this is the MOST difficult part of learning this deck, and you would have to spend LOTS of time trying and failing to figure it out on your own.  Luckily CameronHanzo already put in the time so you don’t have to! 

We’re going to begin by breaking up our cards into three different categories:

  • Win-con Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall generators
    • LissandraLissandra, Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall
  • Stall – Cards that help you prolong the game
    • Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine, Kindly TavernkeeperKindly Tavernkeeper, AvalancheAvalanche
  • Advance – cards that advance your wincon
    • Promising FuturePromising Future, Time in a BottleTime in a Bottle, Draklorn InquisitorDraklorn Inquisitor, TaliyahTaliyah

The biggest mistake someone can make in the mulligan is being TOO GREEDY.  Throwing away important cards for different matchups without considering if you can properly utilise the cards you keep.

This means you always want at least one Win-con card in your mulligan, while the other three cards you’re looking for are highly matchup dependent.

Against aggressive decks, you want three stall cards alongside your one win-con card. Let the Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall tick down while you bide your time surviving with your stall cards, then when they’re running low on cards apply the pressure with any advance cards you’ve drawn into and turn the tables on them!

Against control decks, you want a max of two win-con cards and any number of advance cards

Be conscious of the opponent’s removal tools and set your Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thralls loose on the opponent as fast as you can!

Remember not to be greedy, use the time allotted to you during your mulligan phase wisely and reflect on how you want the game to go before setting your game plan and mulling appropriately.  

For a fun mulligan puzzle and a good read on decision making in the mulligan phase check out xXWhatAmIXx’s article “The Mulligan Show Reloaded”!



Knowing when to turbo

Though the deck is known as “Turbo Thralls” , getting a single Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall out rarely has any effect on the game state. Don’t expend all your resources to activate one Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall, always ensure you have a method of getting a second Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall out alongside it.  That could mean two Frozen ThrallFrozen Thralls being activated back to back with Draklorn InquisitorDraklorn Inquisitor or simultaneously with TaliyahTaliyahImagined PossibilitiesImagined Possibilities. Try to plan ahead and keep ways to produce threats beyond your initial Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thrall, learning to do so will greatly improve your success with the deck! Cameron’s pro tip – Sometimes you’ll want to hold your win-con and advance cards until you have specific cards like Promising FuturePromising Future and TaliyahTaliyah to increase your threat density!



Other Cards Options:

You can swap the ratios on Draklorn InquisitorDraklorn Inquisitor and The Clock HandThe Clock Hand to suit your preference, Draklorn can help you get out multiple early thralls, without combo pieces, letting you stabilize a bit sooner.

PreservationistPreservationist – better in slower metas where you’re able to cast promising future earlier into the game and can curve out with PreservationistPreservationist

At this point in time the list is pretty optimized. I’m (Monte) normally one to promote experimentation and curating net-decks to fit your style but this is one deck where you just can’t play around very much. Cameron has worked hard and found the best 40 card list so you don’t have to, he’s not THE America’s shard Thralls one trick pony for nothing!

If you’re looking to tech for tournaments you could consider Rite of NegationRite of Negation as a potential inclusion.





Ping City70-30 Favoured

Mulligan for Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall, frostbite effects like Succumb to the ColdSuccumb to the Cold or Three SistersThree Sisters can be valuable for dealing with GangplankGangplank but stall cards like Kindly TavernkeeperKindly Tavernkeeper, AvalancheAvalanche and Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine will go a long way towards keeping you in the game.  This matchup is over the moment LissandraLissandra levels. Her level two ability of granting your Nexus Tough will deny all their pings and shut them out completely. Cameron’s Hard rule – You can keep Promising FuturePromising Future in the mulligan ONLY if you have a turn oneFrozen ThrallFrozen Thrall

Aggro (Pirates, Poppy/Ziggs, etc.) – 40-60 Unfavoured

This matchup is unfavoured, while LissandraLissandra can solo-carry the Ping City matchup by denying their pings with the Tough Nexus; true Aggro decks deal damage in much larger chunks and have more effective burn. This makes it much more difficult to stay alive, in your mulligan you want to find Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall, frostbite cards are only good when your hand is already strong once again stall cards like Kindly TavernkeeperKindly Tavernkeeper, AvalancheAvalanche and Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine are what you’re looking for.  The goal in this matchup is to tave every point of HP you can while setting yourself up to kill them in one turn.

Poppy Piles (Demacia, Ionia or Bandle)  –  30-70 Unfavoured

Poppy is just too fast and makes boards with HP thresholds that are too high for our removal to deal with.  Freezes are incredibly strong in this matchup as they allow you to stall the Poppy swing. If you already have an avalanche in your hand you will want to look hard for an Ice ShardIce Shard so you have a way to immediately deal with PoppyPoppy.  Even though the Demacia versions run ]]Ranger’s Resolve]] it is almost always correct to try and remove PoppyPoppy, forcing them to have it; being so unfavoured in this matchup means we have to take big chances to come out ahead.

Sion55/ 45 Slightly Favoured

This matchup is similar to the PoppyPoppy one in that AvalancheAvalanche + Ice ShardIce Shard will deal with their entire board. If you have one of the two (three if you include Blighted RavineBlighted Ravine but this is a weaker option as it cannot be played before turn four using spell mana) you should look hard for the other so you can deal with their board once it gets too big. You will win this matchup by setting up a turn six or turn seven Thrall board, they will play sion and then you will swing in and EntombEntomb the SionSion that goes to block this 

Darkness  60/40 Favoured

This matchup should be very good for us, both players are trying to play solitaire in the sense that they are more focused on trying to advance their own win-condition. We will come out ahead as we can get our win-con online faster than them and we have ways to stall the development of their wincon.  A turn four VeigarVeigar can be problematic but this matchup should be one you want to hit.  Look for combo pieces like Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall, TaliyahTaliyah, and Promising FuturePromising Future in your mulligan phase

Nami Zoe – 25-75 Very Unfavoured

The only way to win this matchup is with an early Frozen ThrallFrozen Thrall, into Promising FuturePromising Future and TaliyahTaliyah or…. the perfect hand. If you can set up in the first three turns while they are passing and have your four Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thralls online by turn six you can force them to trade down their board and leave them unitless.  The two deck’s “go-off turns” kind of coincide, and if we high-roll we can get ahead of them which is why this matchup isn’t completely and utterly hopeless. 




About the authors

CameronHanzo is a Seasonal Top 4 finisher as well as a World’s Qualifier known in the AM shard for playing Thralls almost exclusively to climb the ladder even in unfavourable metas, a true master of the deck. MonteXristo is a seasoned veteran of the game, having played since beta he has dedicated his time to learning, improving and understanding LoR so he can help others improve on their LoR journey’s. Monte is also not without some tournament accolades, beating players like BBG and Emoetional he took first place in the Streamer Sideboard Showdown and went 7-2 in the previous seasonal (unfortunately his ladder rank wasn’t high enough for the top cut blessing).  These two players have come together to deliver you this guide! You can find Monte and Hanzo on Twitter where they’d be happy to answer any questions you might have!