Riot is experimenting with endless Ruthless Rumbles this time around meaning that you can play as many as you want and that's right you can thusly rack up as many trophies as you want. I know I for one will be padding my trophy numbers to make sure that I have two byes for the remaining three Runeterra Opens this season. But these Rumbles really are Ruthless and they can spell disaster for your wallet if you aren't prepared. Thus in this article we are going to lay out all of the top deck lists you should be consider when constructing your line up!
These decks represent the vast majority of the decks in Day 2of the Runeterra Open. So if you want decks that can win for this is the list you should be choosing from. You can find guides for most of these decks in our guides section here.
First up we have the perennial "Good Stuff" Spells matter line up from MajiinBae. These are three decks that you should either be playing or wanting to play against.
Fizz Samira is simply the most powerful and mana efficient deck in the game, enjoy it before the patch comes.
28 cards
12 cards

Seraphine Bar still putting up numbers despite many nerfs though it is much more skill intensive than ever before.
17 cards
23 cards

Karma + Coins is a winning combo and all you really have to do is survive until turn ten and then watch your deck go Brrrr
24 cards
16 cards

Next up we have the "Beat the best decks and still be stong" Line Up that took both spots in the Runeterra Open Finals
Samira Varus is a deck only your mother can love. It's powerful but it's got unique play patterns and you often win with realizing you did anything.
28 cards
12 cards

Leona Decks of all flavors have been putting up numbers, everyone knows the version with Samira but you can play the deck with Diana which is sometimes better and then move your Samira into a different deck for the double trouble line up.
14 cards
26 cards

Aatrox Demacia has been talked about as being overpowered or a joke of a deck but which is it? I think it's fairly easy to say this point that this deck is the real deal and has power at all stages of the game.
28 cards
12 cards

Then we have the rest of the meta
If you like to do sometimes do broken things and sometimes watch your opponent do broken things with no way to stop them than Ashe Lebonk is for you. (Or if your name rhymes with Pushpie)
16 cards
24 cards

Dark Donger is a fan favorite. Who doesn't like making turrets leveling everything up and blasting your opponents Nexus. While this deck may not be at the height of it's glory I wouldn't be surprised if it rises up for next season and now could be a good time to start getting in reps.
25 cards
15 cards

*Write something about GranpdaRoji Deck here*
21 cards
19 cards

Elites get some friends. Which is good because they needed it.
26 cards
14 cards

Illaoi J4 is a legit contender and I wonder where it will land after the patch, another one to keep an eye on.
19 cards
21 cards

If there is a Nasus deck and either A. I am not playing it or B. It plays Vaults of Helia than proceed with extreme caution.
22 cards
18 cards

Swain decks of all flavors have always been and continue to be right on the cusp of amazing.
14 cards
26 cards

Annie Caitlyn seems like it should be good in the current meta and if you plan on banning spell decks might just be a good option.
25 cards
15 cards

Norra Swain is a deck that some people think is good. whether it is or not I guarantee it's a lot of fun.
16 cards
24 cards

I guess if you need your Heimer in another deck than you can do this.
23 cards
17 cards

I hate to admit it but this is actually a deck and I got the breaks beat off me by it when I was playing Samira Leona
32 cards
8 cards

Gwenn Quinn decks are the bane of many a player, when they have the draw they are almost impossible to stop