Hello, everyone!
Today we’re going to go over a deck that I’ve been playing and refining this season: Teemo/Sejuani
Bandle. This is a concept I originally saw someone playing on ladder and after the game, I immediately opened the deck builder and tried the concept out for myself.
26 cards
14 cards

The Game Plan
The deck has two primary Win Cons:
Lock: Level up Sejuani to shut down your opponent’s win con and slowly close the game through attacks and burn. Play for this strategy against decks that rely on their units attacking to win the game (Midrange).
Tempo: Win the board with your efficient units, combat tricks, and pings, and try to run your opponent down before they get online. Play for this strategy against decks that can easily shut down your Sejuani or don’t need to attack to close the game (Control)
These game plans aren’t mutually exclusive and can be very powerful when combined effectively. For example against aggro with burn you need to get a fast lock to stabilize but quickly close the game afterward so you don’t die to burn. Or against a Minimorph deck try to play for both so they’re forced to Minimorph
your Sejuani
which is a big tempo swing because you get an effective 0 mana 3/3 with Sejuani
’s play effect.
Card Choices
3x Sejuani The star of the show. In matchups where the lock is your win con keep her alive at all costs and avoid playing her before she levels up if you can. She’s a great removal tool when played on attack turns but don’t be afraid to play her on defensive turns in lock matchups to save hp or just to get her developed.
3x Teemo Great for hitting the nexus early; if you’re lucky the puffcaps will make your life easier. Against slower decks, you can try to level him up as an alternate win-con.
3x Inventive Chemist Can hit the nexus if your opponent doesn’t have a 1 drop. Make sure to plan o the Scrappy Bomb
goes off when you need it to.
3x Stone Stackers One of the most reliable ways to ping the nexus with the attack token. If you have leveled Sejuani
on the board, attack with Stone Stackers
first to freeze your opponent’s board.
2x Bandle Commando Similar to Stone Stackers
as a reliable turn 2 nexus ping. The Hungry Owlcat
is a great chump blocker to help stall until lock.
3x Conchologist Great value 2 drop. Get familiar with the pool of cards in Freljord as there’s a lot of redundancy so you can have a good idea of what your options will be.
Cheap combat tricks: Elixer of Iron, Brittle Steel, Troll Chant
Purpleberry Shake
and Spoils of War
Big unit disruption: Flash Freeze, Three Sisters
and Stress Defense
Nexus/unit pings: Pokey Stick, Poison Dart
and Ice Shard
Unit Pings: Group Shot and Bouncing Bomb
And there’s plenty of situational options that can win you the game if chosen at the right time such as Entreat and Entrapment
2x Babbling Bjerg Only draws Sejuani
in this deck to improve the consistency of our strategy. Remember Sejuani
’s champion spell is Fury of the North
3x Lecturing Yordle Debatably the best follower in the game right now and has great synergy with this deck. Play it on your defense turn 4 or 5 and hit the nexus with the Poison Dart
. Attack with it on the following turn and hit the nexus with the Poison Dart
if one of your units doesn’t. Remember to bank mana before playing it so you can afford the Poison Dart
3x Poison Dart Great for hitting nexus directly on turns you otherwise couldn’t. Don’t use it on the nexus turns 1 and 2 as the tempo loss is often not worth the early trigger. Prioritize using this card on the nexus but it can be worth it to try and remove specific threats like Greenglade Duo
(just don’t delay your Sejuani
3x Three Sisters Is a nice flexible card that lets you adapt to most situations.
Flash Freeze can buy you an extra turn before you have the lock online or if your leveled Sejuani
already triggered that round can help you survive against a developed threat.
Fury of the North can keep Sejuani
alive against damage-based removal or help push lethal.
Entomb can remove a backline threat like leveled Lissandra
but its most common use is pushing lethal by removing Sejuani
’s blocker giving you a clean hit on the enemy nexus.
3x Pokey Stick Another Bandle City staple with great synergy. You usually want to save this card to freeze the board after Sejuani
is leveled but it can be used to help level Sejuani
if needed.
3x Troll Chant Staple Freljord combat trick. Use it to save 2 units, protect Sejuani
or prevent nexus damage.
3x Ice Shard Great for dealing with aggression while progressing Sejuani
. Plan ahead and block in a way to maximize Ice Shard
value on defense then, on your next defensive turn clear your opponent’s board. Just like with Pokey Stick
if you can afford to, you want to save this card for after Sejuani
is leveled.
3x Hidden Pathways We’re spending a lot of resources to level up Sejuani
so we need to refill our hand or find what we need in the late game.
I think this list should be the stock list because it’s the best at executing the lock win-con but some tech options include Feel The Rush, Icevale Archer
, and Kindly Tavernkeeper
General Mulligans:
The first thing you should do at the start of each game is thinking about your opponent’s win con then based on that decide if you’re playing for tempo or lock.
As always pay attention to if you’re attacking evens or odds.
If you’re attacking odds you want to mulligan deep for a 1 drop. If you already have a 1 drop you can start planning out your triggers for later turns by keeping things like Stone Stackers or Bandle Commando
for your turn 3. Lecturing Yordle
can be a trigger on turns 4 and 5.
If you’re attacking evens you might need to keep Poison Dart or Pokey Stick
depending on how fast you need to level Sejuani
because otherwise, you’re missing both turn 1 and 3 triggers. Look for a 1 drop, Stone Stackers
or Bandle Commando
for your turn 2 trigger. Sejuani
is a good keep and turn 6 triggers if you already have early triggers. Lecturing Yordle
is kept less on evens because ideally, he is a turn 5 play because you want to get your turn 4 trigger with your attack token.
The mulligan is pretty simple here. Kick all spells and look for a good curve. Keep as many Stone Stackers as possible and exactly 1 Lecturing Yordle
Planning out your Sejuani levelup:
Planning is a skill that will reward you with any deck but especially with this deck since we need to hit the enemy nexus on 5 different turns it’s important that we properly sequence our cards so that Sejuani levels on time.
In every matchup, there is a certain turn we’re aiming to level Sejuani by depending on when your opponent’s win con comes down. For example, against Draven/Sion you want to level Sejuani by turning 7 for Sion
. These target turns are a good baseline but can change in any given game depending on how things are going. You might be able to push it back a turn if Three Sisters
can keep you alive an extra turn but you might also need to push it a turn earlier if your opponent has an aggressive board you need to shut down.
You want to try to hit the enemy nexus with every attack token and fill in your defensive turns with direct nexus pings. Lecturing Yordle’s Poison Dart
and Inventive Chemist
’s Scrappy Bomb
are the most efficient ways to ping the nexus on defensive turns.
When deciding if you should use a spell to progress Sejuani’s level-up, consider how many turns you have left to level Sejuani
and what your future triggers are looking like. If you can level Sejuani
in time with only your attack tokens you want to hold your spells for after Sejuani
’s leveled so you have plenty of nexus pings to frostbite the enemy board with. If your opponent disrupted your early triggers you will need to use your spells to catch up on triggers. Poison Dart
should be the first spell you use because its slow speed makes it less useful after Sejuani
is leveled. A good Ice Shard
can potentially buy you an extra turn while also progressing Sejuani
. Pokey Stick
usually wants to be saved for after Sejuani
is leveled but if you’re desperate for the trigger or draw it’s ok to use it early.
You should think about each card as the turn(s) they can hit the nexus and how reliable they are at doing so. For example, playing Inventive Chemist on turn 1 is an unreliable turn 1 trigger because any play from your opponent stops you from hitting the nexus that turn. But on the flip side playing Inventive Chemist
on turn 1 is a turn 4 trigger that your opponent can’t do anything about.
You want to reduce your opponent’s ability to disrupt your triggers as much as possible. One way of doing this is by creating a diversity of threats on your attack turn so your opponent can’t stop all of them. For example, if you’re against a demacia deck with an elusive unit and a non-elusive unit vs one non-elusive unit on your opponent’s side you should swing with both even if it’s a bad trade to guarantee the trigger against Sharpsight.
Playing with leveled Sejuani:
Once you’ve leveled Sejuani you’re in a good spot but you need to be aware of how your opponent could still win. Maybe you run out of nexus pings, maybe your opponent burns you out, maybe they kill Sejuani
can they kill you with pump spells? Always keep your loss condition in mind and play to minimize it as much as possible.
Most lose conditions can be avoided by being as aggressive as possible after leveling up Sejuani. Develop a wide board and you should usually be able to win in two attacks. Make sure to order your attacks so that your first units are Teemo
, Bandle Commando
or Stone Stackers
so they can hit the nexus first allowing the rest of your units to survive.
Pokey Stick and Ice Shard
should be held and only used after your opponent commits their attack or if they use a strike effect that none of your other cards can answer.
Puffcaps can be annoying in this stage of the game because they frostbite your opponent’s board at the start of the round allowing them to develop units that Sejuani can’t frostbite afterward. If your opponent draws a puffcap on your attack turn you should usually open an attack after that so they can’t develop a blocker that can kill one of your units. If your opponent draws a puffcap at the start of their attack turn Three Sisters
is your best friend because it can deal with any threat your opponent develops and Troll Chant
can help to some extent as well. If you need your opponent to not draw a puffcap next round it can be correct to not use the fleeting Poison Dart
’s from Lecturing Yordle
Vs Draven/Sion (Favored)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
and Bandle Commando
If you have a good hand you can keep: Babbling Bjerg, Lecturing Yordle
and Conchologist
Gameplan: Lock.
In this matchup, the most important thing is to not fall behind on tempo. You want to level Sejuani by turn 7 for Sion
but even if you fell behind on triggers Three Sisters
can buy you an extra turn.
Their fearsome units can threaten to push damage after you develop early blockers so be careful with your Babbling Bjerg and Lecturing Yordle
because you need to keep them alive to block fearsome which sometimes means skipping attacks with Lecturing Yordle
Some good Conchologist pickups are Purpleberry Shake and Brittle Steel
to deal with Fearsomes or Flash Freeze
, Three Sisters
or Stress Defense
to deal with Sion.
If you’re blocking and know that you will have leveled Sejuani online for your opponent’s next attack you should block in a way to save as much hp as possible because once leveled Sejuani
hits the board their only win con is burn.
Be careful of Sion’s last breath and have a Three Sisters
ready to deal with Sion Returned
. Attacking with Sejuani
first and playing Entomb
on Sion
is an easy way to push damage and not have to deal with Sion
’s last breath.
Vs Lurk (Favored)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
, Bandle Commando
and Poison Dart
if your opponent is attacking odds.
If you already have a good hand you can keep: Babbling Bjerg/Sejuani
, Lecturing Yordle
and Conchologist
Gameplan: Lock.
In this matchup, you want to level up Sejuani by turn 8 to shut down Jaull Fish.
Your elusive units are premium because their only way to stop an elusive from hitting nexus is Death From Below or Bone Skewer
which is either a 1x or not played at all. You can be sure of getting a trigger on a given attack turn if you have two threats to hit nexus.
Try to use Troll Chant early to get a 2 for 1 before their units get too big for it to get a lot of value.
Watch out for Snapjaw Swarm and make sure to have a 2 attack unit to trade into it.
Taking damage early doesn’t matter very much because they play no burn so you can just focus on leveling up Sejuani. Although be careful because if your opponent draws a puffcap when you have leveled Sejuani on the board they can still attack and buff their board by +1 or +2.
If your opponent gets enough lurk buffs they could threaten to kill Sejuani with Death From Below
. Keep track of Pyke
’s attack and hold up the appropriate combat trick to keep Sejuani
Vs Akshan/Sivir (Favored)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
and Bandle Commando
If you already have a good hand you can keep: Lecturing Yordle, Babbling Bjerg
, Poison Dart
/Pokey Stick
and Conchologist
Gameplan: Lock.
In this matchup it’s hard to have a set goal of when you need to have Sejuani leveled because they have no big finisher so it’s just about how fast they can build a board that threatens Golden Aegis
or The Absolver
Because time is on their side in terms of finding a win (leveling champs for The Absolver or Warlord's Hoard
) it’s good to try to level Sejuani
as fast as possible. It’s not uncommon to send a Poison Dart
or Pokey Stick
face early in this matchup to try to drop a leveled Sejuani
on curve. Your elusives aren’t as reliable here because of Sharpsight
but Stone Stackers
is near-guaranteed and can be awkward for them to trade into if dropped on 2.
Don’t be afraid to give up units for the sake of getting Sejuani Triggers. They simply can’t win the game anymore after you level Sejuani
so don’t worry too much about getting the perfect trades as long as your Sejuani
is progressing.
Unless you have to catch up on tempo or have an extra don’t drop Sejuani until she’s leveled so your opponent can’t easily deal with her with Concerted Strike
Always keep Golden Aegis in mind and don’t tap too low allowing your opponent a good attack. As long as you get your Sejuani
trigger in a given round you don’t mind passing and playing reactively.
Vs GE Shellfolk (Favored)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
, Bandle Commando
and Lecturing Yordle
If you already have a good hand you can keep: Conchologist and Babbling Bjerg
Gameplan: Tempo/Lock.
So you could hypothetically play for lock in this matchup but there’s some lose conditions if they draw a puffcap at round start then buff up their units or if they use a big Thermogenic Beam or are on Minimorph
. So I prefer to start with a tempo gameplan and see if I can kill them first then transition into lock if I need to.
We want to curve out on turns 1 and 2 and on turn 3 if we have Lecturing Yordle we need to bank enough mana to play Poison Dart
’s. If we’re attacking evens we need to bank 2 mana so the best we can do is play a 1 drop on turn 3 but if we’re attacking odds we only need to bank 1 mana so we could play a 2 drop on turn 3. Of course, if we don’t have Lecturing Yordle
we can just play out our units normally.
They don’t play very many blockers so they have to use damage-based removal spells to deal with your aggression so a Troll Chant or Fury of the North
to save your unit can be very powerful.
If your opponent drops Curious Shellfolk it’s usually best to Entomb
Immediately so they don’t have time to play Prank
Vs Poppy/Zed (Even)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
, Bandle Commando
and Poison Dart
If you have a good hand you can keep: Lecturing Yordle, Conchologist
, Troll Chant
Gameplan: Lock.
This matchup can be tricky to play but is very winnable. You want to level Sejuani as fast as possible while surviving their relentless attacks. You can usually get triggers on your attack turns pretty easily by open attacking because they don’t have great blockers. Poison Dart
should be used on the nexus but if you’re given an opportunity to kill Greenglade Duo
when they can’t play Ranger's Resolve
go for it.
You need to do everything you can to make sure Sejuani levels up on round 6 or 7. Even if you’re falling behind on tempo, if Sejuani
doesn’t level up you aren’t winning the game.
Lecturing Yordle’s 3/5 Statline is a great wall to Zed
especially with Troll Chant
backup. You want to set up good blocks and use your combat tricks after your opponent when possible.
You can fork your opponent’s mana by swinging combats in a way that forces them to tap below 4 mana, not allowing them to rally on that round.
If your opponent tries to simply curve out you need to punish them with your combat tricks or removal. If they’re holding up spell mana to play around your cards their game plan will be slower allowing you more time until Sejuani comes down.
Vs Plunder (Even)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
and Bandle Commando
If you already have a good hand you can keep: Lecturing Yordle, Conchologist
and Troll Chant
Gameplan: Lock/Burn.
This matchup can be pretty draw-dependent when things like opponent dropping leveled Gangplank on 5 or one of you don’t draw your Sejuani
happen but the games can be very interesting when you’re both on average draws.
In the early turns, you will both be racing to level your champions. You should take any opportunity to deny them triggers and secure your triggers as much as possible because getting ahead on champion level-ups can be game-winning.
Try to protect your nexus hp regardless of champion triggers because once you and your opponent drop your Sejuani you’re playing a burn mirror. Once you reach this stage of the game there are some important things to note: Your opponent has more burn because of The Dreadway
and Gangplank
while we have a way to escape the lock for a couple of turns with Three Sisters
for Entomb
. Our opponent’s nexus pings are at burst speed which means we can use Fury of the North
or attack buffs we find off Conchologist
to push damage through their Sejuani
Poison Dart Wants to go face in this matchup anyway so using it early to get a trigger and shuffle puffcaps in is good.
You should Entomb their Sejuani
on your defensive turn so they can’t stop your attack with a Warning Shot
Make sure to play around Make it Rain in the early game and Monster Harpoon
+ x combos that can kill unleveled Sejuani
Vs Ping City (Even)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
, Bandle Commando
and Conchologist
If you already have a good hand you can keep: Lecturing Yordle and Troll Chant
Gameplan: Lock.
The priority in this matchup is to stabilize the board. We want to lock by the time Gangplank is leveled so we’re in a bit of a race to level our champions. Because of all their removal, we can’t rely on any of our units to stick around for multiple triggers so it’s usually best to take what you can get then block to save hp. If you have protection to keep her alive you can skip blocks with Bandle Commando
because Hungry Owlcat
as a blocker with spell shield is strong against all the pings.
Don’t ever have too many 1hp units on the board at the same time so you don’t give too much value to Make it Rain or Twisted Fate
’s Red Card
Sejuani comes down at the perfect time to let you remove a unit for free and start turning the game around but watch out for Monster Harpoon
+ x combos that can kill unleveled Sejuani
and make sure you have another unit so you can still get your free kill against Twisted Fate
’s Gold Card
Once you have leveled Sejuani on the board you want to try and end the game fast before they can burn you out. Keep mana up for Fury of the North
, Troll Chant
or even Ice Shard
or Pokey Stick
to kill your unit to play around Double Up
Vs Poppy/Ziggs (Unfavored)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
, Bandle Commando
, Conchologist
and Poison Dart
If you already have a good hand you can keep Lecturing Yordle and Ice Shard
Gameplan: Lock.
Burn decks are a bad matchup because after we get our lock they can simply start sending damage directly to our face. The win-con here is to take as little damage as possible in the early game so that we can lock at a high enough hp that our attacks can race their burn.
It won’t be hard for us to get triggers on attacking turns because they don’t main deck any disruption so we’re ok blocking with elusives to prevent damage because in the end hp is our most important resource. It can be worth it to skip blocks with Bandle Commando because the Hungry Owlcat
we get the following turn gives us an extra blocker.
Ice Shard can mess up their Poppy
if set up well.
You can use Entomb from Three Sisters
to fizzle Noxian Fervor
Troll Chant reducing Stone Stackers
Attack to 0 Prevents the impact damage.
In the late game avoid drawing unless necessary if your opponent shuffled puffcaps into your deck with Lecturing Yordle
Vs Bandle Tree (Unfavored)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist
, Stone Stackers
, Bandle Commando
and Lecturing Yordle
Gameplan: Burn.
Our tempo game plan is no good because they have so many blockers and our lock game plan is no good because they don’t need to attack to win and they have Minimorph. So because of this our win-con becomes “Screw it I’m sending everything at your face”
You have to think about the deck completely differently in this matchup because we are now playing a burn deck so we have to play like a burn deck. Do anything you can to push damage even if it means swinging your Teemo into a Bandle Commando
all that matters is their nexus health.
If they have Poppy they will try to create counter-pressure and put you on a faster clock. Try to deal with Poppy with Fury of the North from Three Sisters or simply Entomb before she can attack. Ice Shard could also help depending on the board state.
Even though she isn’t your win con Sejuani is still a great tempo play because you can remove your opponent’s elusive blocker or Poppy while threatening to push damage if your opponent doesn’t Minimorph.
Sometimes if the pressure from Poppy is too much you have to accept you lose if they have the answer and try to lock or push lethal with overwhelm.
If your opponent doesn’t have an elusive blocker, hold up mana for Troll Chant or Fury of the North to protect Teemo to make sure those puffcaps get shuffled in. The only burst spell they play is Minimorph so Fizz is only an elusive blocker on your open attack if they Minimorph
Vs Darkness (Unfavored)
Mulligan for: Teemo, Inventive Chemist, Stone Stackers, Bandle Commando, Lecturing Yordle and Conchologist.
Gameplan: Tempo.
They play Minimorph and don’t need to attack to win so it’s time to play beatdown. The goal here is to curve out with units they can’t answer efficiently to win the board. We want to curve out on turns 1 and 2 and on turn 3 if we have Lecturing Yordle we need to bank enough mana to play Poison Dart’s. If we’re attacking evens we need to bank 2 mana so the best we can do is play a 1 drop on turn 3 but if we’re attacking odds we only need to bank 1 mana so we could play a 2 drop on turn 3. Of course, if we don’t have Lecturing Yordle we can just play out our units normally.
In the midgame we can use Sejuani to threaten to kill Veigar, Senna or Ixtali Sentinel She will usually force a Minimorph or Stress Defense when you play her which is a good tempo advantage for you. If you have Lecturing Yordle you can pull the vulnerable Senna or Veigar with him with the fleeting Poison Dart in hand to diversify your threats against Minimorph.
Teemo is Surprisingly effective as an alternate win-con in this matchup. Use Troll Chant and Fury of the North to protect him while he can get an early strike or two in and level him up with Poison Dart’s. Once he’s leveled if your opponent’s Darkness isn’t big enough to kill him through all your protection you can plant a lot of puffcaps putting your opponent on the clock. The great thing about [[Teemo is even if your opponent does end up killing him they spent a lot of mana and cards so you aren’t even behind and maybe even ahead afterward.
Closing Thoughts
I think [[Teemo/[[Sejuani bandle is a very powerful and underplayed deck for both ladder and tournaments right now as it has a very powerful and unique matchup spread.
I hope you enjoyed this guide and I hope it inspired you to give the deck a try for yourself!
It’s hard to cover everything in one guide so if you have any more questions don’t be afraid to reach out on Twitter @TheFloppyMudkip or discord FloppyMudkip#4286
And with that have a good day I’ll see you on the ladder.