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Runeterra Announcements: 2nd LoR Open, Deck Techs, & Riot Devs' Thoughts

Thoughts on the first LoR Open, strategy guides aplenty for the second, a veteran writer joins MaRu, and on Twitter and YouTube two LoR Devs share a glimpse of Riot's kitchen.

Howdy, Champs!

With back-to-back Runeterra Opens, we've pumped up our output to keep you up-to-date with the latest LoR trends – and, as you may have noted, another veteran writer has joined our ranks!

Jason's Eternal Insights, and Yangzera's Eternal Lessons

Last Monday, Yang reflected on lessons learned in the first LoR Open – and, with how little time it has passed since then, they are sure to be relevant for the second Runeterra Open tomorrow.

According to Yang,

And according to Jason's advice for when preparing for LoR Tournaments,

Knowing how to pilot your decks at a high proficiency is way more important than playing the “best decks”. Instead of constantly looking for the new hotness, spend time mastering the decks you want to bring. Typically you will only need a 7-2 record along with your two byes to make the top 64. This is a very achievable goal for someone that has put in time with their decks. 

The easiest ways to master a deck are to read deck guides or watch people that are proficient with the deck. The harder way is to play a lot of games and figure it out on your own. Make your life easier, swallow your ego, and learn from others before putting in the necessary reps.

Speaking of Deck Guides and Lineups…

New writer in the MaRu house!

TricksterSorry, whose achievements are far too numerous to mention, has joined us – and to kick off his first week, he penned not one, not two, but three articles!

To round things up, Yangzera joined Ryze in a deep dive into Rune Magic, followed by a detailed Samira Seraphine Deck Guide.

As Yang says:

Seraphine Samira is undoubtedly the best deck in the format and I’ll be bringing it to the Open this weekend – just like you should, too!

MaRu Podcast #109: LoR Open Talk, ft. TheCupIsMine

Jae & Bae sit down with Runeterra Open's runner-up TheCupIsMine and chat about how to prepare for the second LoR Open, and how to improve your approach to improving.

Time Stamps

0:00 Intro

0:43 The story of TheCupIsMine

5:28 Playing Competitively vs For Fun

8:34 Preparing for The Run

18:39 A change of plans and perspective on Samira Seraphine

25:12 Other Big Players in the Meta

30:49 What leads to such a WIDE meta

37:01 The positioning of Jax Ornn & the absence of Demacia

39:18 Stat overload vs a lack of information (LoR vs Magic) in games

51:09 Why people hate Eternal

On Other Runeterra News…

60s Delay for Locking Decks on Day 2

For those of y'all that make it to Day 2 in the Runeterra Open, be aware that there's a bug that causes a 60s delay for locking decks.

According to LoR's official Twitter account, "We're aware of the issue where players are briefly unable to lock in an Eternal deck at the start of Day 2 of the Open. The deck rules will update to the correct Eternal ruleset after 60 seconds, we're working on a fix for this issue but it won't be live until the next patch."  

Dev Talk: Aaron Barich's Interview, and Brian Kopleck on Sett & Jack

Marshall from The Runeterra Report sits down with Legends of Runeterra Game Designer Aaron Barich (she/her) to discuss the recent Eternal balance patch and future plans for the format: Eternal Goals, Balance Plans and… the Vladimir Rework?! You can watch the whole interview on The Runeterra Report's YT Channel:

And on Elon's Blue Bird app, Senior Game Designer Brian Kopleck treated us with two chained threads about how they came up with the "Fight Club" theme with Sett as the star, how and why they designed Coins the way they did, and why the settled on Jack the Winner as the perfect heel for the Brawl's headliner.

Wrapping Up

That would be all for this week, folks.

Good luck in the Open!