This article is going to be a double feature of both May 8th, and May 9th's top lineups. It was a pair of days with some familiar faces rising to the top of our Road to Seasonals tournaments with some newer faces getting the gold as well, exciting lineups are getting there as well. Without further ado; the lineups.
May 8th Tournament Results
1st Place - Ez2Win, of team Hydra Gaming
Fizz Aphelios
8 cards
32 cards

The notable changes on this variant of the Afaelios list is that they are up to two papercrafts and two rainbowfish since they are very important for the deck to find. They are also on one Stress defense either as an emergency 'keep alive' button, or a way to get an easy trade off a huge unit.
Yuumi Pantheon
15 cards
25 cards

It looks like Chain Vest is here to stay, the early cheap proc is invaluable to the deck, having one bastion helps get some points on control, and it looks as well like -Rally +Cataclysm is the move we've seen gradually coming out
Miss Fortune Quinn Scouts
31 cards
9 cards

It feels interesting to see Ranger's Resolve coming back out, likely more to handle key numbers for removal to keep things alive. Rather standard aside from that.
2nd Place - Trivo06, of team Sultans
Pantheon Yuumi Taric
14 cards
26 cards

The Taric variant is an interesting one that I genuinely do not quite follow the purpose behind, especially with the lack of synergy between his proc and Fated after the play/cast changes. Consequently, Trivo's list has rolled up to two Bastions and maxing out on cards that draw replacements, so perhaps value and threat diversification is the thought.
Taliyah Ziggs
31 cards
9 cards

It looks like Trivo's version is hard on the permanent buffs of Herald of the Magus rather than The Absolver, on two and one respectively. They are also lower on Hourglasses and Rites presumably to focus on lower cost drops so they can approach aggro and early rush down decks a bit better.
Fizz Aphelios
11 cards
29 cards

Now here is a tech choice I've not seen prior; Bastion in Afaelios. It makes sense with the number of times you're relying on an Assistant Librarian or some random dork holding a Papercraft, and can keep an Aphelios going as a good Arms Dealer.
3rd Place Arussel
Veigar Senna Darkness
18 cards
22 cards

It's hard to say what a 'normal' darkness deck looks like nowadays, aside from the staples and some number of Minimorphs. Likely a big reason for the deck's return is Minimorph's massive relevancy in the meta, being able to snipe down the key threats every deck has.
Fizz Aphelios
8 cards
32 cards

Remember when this deck ran just one Papercraft? It feels like just yesterday, but 2 in addition to Fae Sprout seems like the way the winds are blowing. Arussel has also opted for one Wallop here to shut down whatever he needs to.
Trundle Tryndamere FTR
28 cards
12 cards

A bit of a different FTR list, opting to lower the number of She Who Wanders, and remove almost all ramp aside from Catalyst. This version opts to handle the enemy's board directly instead of racing to more mana and dropping the game winning threat.
Jayce Heimer SI
33 cards
7 cards

This deck still interests me to see performing, Hextech Handler is a very fun card, and with the play/cast change buffing Heimer, it's easy to exploit the synergy there. Additionally, both Heimer and Jayce love the number 6 for spells, as it makes an elusive turret, and levels Jayce for value. It seems well balanced and effective.
Aphelios Zoe Viktor
26 cards
14 cards

Ghoster's Subpurrisible list casts a very wide net compared to most lists, aiming to level Zoe quite effectively more than focusing on Viktor's devices.
Caitlyn Ezreal Tribeam
13 cards
27 cards

The primary innovation in this Tribeam list is utilizing a Sump Fumes as an additional Tribeam triggering removal that is fairly efficient.
May 9th Event Results
1st Place - Infinipatrons
Ekko Zilean
14 cards
26 cards

The list here has a bit more innovation than expected. A singular Desert Duel, and Golden Ambassador to help handle some specific threats and get extra value out of Ekko, in addition to finding more of your key champions and using them to their fullest potential.
Fizz Aphelios
10 cards
30 cards

Infini's version of this list is clearly teched with certain enemies and decks in mind, based on it's two hushes and three flamespitters. His version has also completely tossed out Bandle Commando. In a meta where Pantheons, Viktors and the like are king, shutting them up for a turn can be all it takes.
Miss Fortune Quinn Scouts
34 cards
6 cards

The notable inclusion here is two Blinding Assaults to make further use of your seldom used spell mana, and maximize on Miss Fortune triggers early on.
2nd Place - Prodigy1097
Sandy Viego
18 cards
22 cards

This deck has picked up in playrate showing it's far from a joke, this version is heavily teched for the meta. With 2 Baccai Sandspitters and a desert naturalist when they don't run any landmarks, it's clear they're looking to force trades with key enemy units and pop some discs.
Azir Xerath
40 cards

Speaking of discs, normal sun disc. Main thing here is that Prodigy is on the Clockwork Curator variation to try and reach that turn 6 Flip when possible.
Taliyah Ziggs
11 cards
29 cards