1st Place - BeastLlama of the Wobbly Wombats
Ekko Zilean
16 cards
24 cards
The deck's aim is to level Ekko on curve then get some amount of value off of an attack, sequencing it into a Chronobreak to revive your board and continue swinging
Taliyah Ziggs
6 cards
34 cards
This deck aims to level up Taliyah and Ziggs with an active Herald of the Magus to swing for massive damage through any blockers.
Jayce Elise
21 cards
19 cards
Jayce Elise is a tempo deck aimed at removing the enemy's threats and using a leveled jayce to generate massive value
2nd Place - Trivo of the Wobbly Wombats
Pantheon Yuumi Taric
14 cards
26 cards
A staple of the meta at this point with the exception of one Taric to get extra value out of your spells such as Guiding Touch, Pale Cascade, and even doubling up on a Bastion
Fizz Aphelios
11 cards
29 cards
Afaelios uses the high tempo swings of the Fae package and Papercraft Dragon in combination with Fizz or Overwhelm from Aphelios to swing in for massive damage.
Taliyah Ziggs
31 cards
9 cards
Trivo's version opts for two Herald of the Magus to lean on a massive overwhelm champion as a wincon rather than forcing an Absolver and possibly getting blown out.
3/4th place - Friend of Zoe
Zoe Shellfolk
15 cards
25 cards
Now this is interesting! A deck focused around value and getting an ocean of value off Curious shellfolk! The deck runs many chumpers and ways to try and level Zoe quickly by generating differently named cards, and 23 cards that get value off of shellfolk!
Viktor Aphelios
20 cards
20 cards
This deck saw more play before the last patch and had seemingly fallen off quite a bit. This iteration looks more interested in protecting their wincons based on the two bastions and full set of Pale Cascades. Definitely a potent list.
Thresh Aurelion Sol
15 cards
25 cards
Spooky dragon returns after a long hiatus! This list is focused on trying to level a thresh quickly after he comes down by trading your own units and killing anything your opponent plays. FoZ's version also has opted for one Eclipse Dragon to attempt to cheat into a round 8 Asol if it comes to that.
3/4th Place - Lysergic Acid
Taliyah Ziggs
31 cards
9 cards
Lysergic's version has fully cut out the Arsenal to try and reduce costs I suppose. It is fairly normal aside from that.
Miss Fortune Quinn Scouts
33 cards
7 cards
This list has a few interesting notes, such as two Genevieves, two Rangers Resolve and a Relentless Pursuit, going harder on the rally win gameplan of scouts.
Fizz Aphelios
9 cards
31 cards
Pretty normal here aside from one Stress Defense to keep your own things alive and quash an opponent's massive threat.