Thursday's Road to Seasonals tournament gave us a solid look at what people are consistently topping with, as almost every deck here is an archetype we've seen more than a few times in these articles.
1st Place - SonikHolik, of team Icy Gaming
Fizz Aphelios
9 cards
31 cards
A mostly normal Afaelios list with a few tech choices. Sonik's version has popped in a Wallop to help avoid a final lethal swing from a big opposing unit or clear the way some. They have also upped the number of yordle squires to pressure earlier.
Yuumi Pantheon
14 cards
26 cards
This Fated list has aimed to be wider in it's variety of target options. It fields 6 one-ofs including a bastion, chain vest, and hush to keep opponents scared in open decklist situations.
Ziggs Taliyah
31 cards
9 cards
Unleashed energy is a card we've seen dropping in numbers for this deck, it's a powerful option to suddenly sun a blocker through hexplosive minefield, and also can make a sarcophagus into a 5/3 for a sweeping open attack.
2nd Place - Mati24Mayo of team Mafia
Miss Fortune Twisted Fate Gangplank
19 cards
21 cards
Pirates aggro is one of the go-to fast and hard lists in our current meta. With 12 one-drops and potent curve options to try and chunk your opponent down, it has a great burn finisher in Decimates, Fervors, Gangplank, and Jack the Winner. This list incorporates an Arachnoid Sentry to make those swing turns that much more crushing, and Jack the Winner to try and burn out whatever you need to at the the end.
Caitlyn Ezreal
14 cards
26 cards
Caitlyn Ezreal is a potent tempo deck looking to answer what ever the opponent does, pressure them with Flashbombs from Caitlyn, and top it off with a big Tri-Beam Improbulator. Mati's version is fairly standard, aiming to make use of two Aloof Travelers to catch decks relying on singular big cards as a wincon unaware.
Aphelios Lux
15 cards
25 cards
Aphelios Lux feels fairly normal at this point, with a decent board building up into constant lasers from Lux, guns from Aphelios, and powerful manifests off Starshaping to close out games.
3rd Place - Prodigy1097
Viego Shurima
21 cards
19 cards
This list echews the typical inclusion of Ionia and Kindred to basically run like a Nasus Thresh deck with Viego as the sole top end. You get out the boy and start chowing down on your units to turbo grow your Encroaching Mists and flip him asap.
Ziggs Taliyah
10 cards
30 cards
Prodigy's version has a full suite of Desert Naturalist for those huge tempo swings and disruption against opposing landmark decks. They've also opted for one Herald of the Magus to make closing out games easier with a big Taliyah
Azir Xerath
40 cards
Here they've opted for the Curator version of Sun Disc to open the possibility of a Turn 7 flip of their disc. Additionally they're on two Golden Ambassadors to find champs more reliably and have a better midrange gameplan if their sun disc gets dealt with.
4th Place - Drevander51
Yuumi Pantheon
13 cards
27 cards
Aside from the one Camphor the Doubt this is a fairly standard Pantheon list, they've notably upped their bastion count to two so they have better game into control situations.
Taliyah Ziggs
30 cards
10 cards
The rare combination style; Drevander has gone for unleashed energy with THREE Hexplosive Minefields for that blowout potential, in addition to a Herald of the Magus or an Absolver, this gives great push through potential for unexpected lethals.
Fizz Aphelios
8 cards
32 cards
It still surprizes me to see this deck so much in these top 4s, but I suppose it just proves the potency of Papercraft dragon especially on a Fizz! This list makes me think that Wallop is more of a normal thing now likely to slow down the enemy, they also have gone up to two Papercraft to increase that consistency.