Sunday's Road to Seasonals tournament had the biggest showing yet of 37 players with many elites among the ranks. All the same, a curious yet powerful lineup took the grand prize through hard work, clean plays, and JUST the right amount of Bandle....
1st Place - H3ko
Ezreal Viktor
22 cards
18 cards
This deck looks to exploit Viktor and Ezreal's massive power, alongside the near infinite value of Bandle city including Curious shellfolk to bully and burn out your opponent with a leveled Ez and Vik
Fizz Aphelios - Afaelios
9 cards
31 cards
This deck aims to make use of powerful attach units and the near-untouchable Fizz. This combined with the tempo of the fae package (Gleaming Lantern, Grandfather Fae, and Assistant Librarian) and the value engine of Aphelios is a deadly combo.
Jayce Lux
21 cards
19 cards
Multiple big spells and lasers with a man-boat to top it all off. This deck looks to control the board with highly efficient larger spells that 2-for-1 easily, while doubling up thanks to Jayce, and making Final Sparks from Lux.
2nd Place - BamBooper
Azir Xerath
40 cards
Sun disc's power is still large albeit less oppressive. The deck is focused around turbo-leveling Azir and Xerath to flip the sun disc and slowly burn them down with Level 3 Xerath and the Emperor's Deck
Yuumi Pantheon
14 cards
26 cards
Grow men to a mountain, this deck makes full use of Fated through Saga Seeker, Wounded Whiteflame, and Pantheon. It also has a copy of Camphor the Doubt and a LOT of buffs and combat spells to repeatedly make use of fated triggers.
Taliyah Malphite
30 cards
10 cards
This deck looks to turn tempo on it's head. With a 3/3 for one mana in Chip, and the ability to pump out a massive amount of power by sequencing Salt Spire into Taliyah, with Malphite's board wide stuns to finish off the opponent this deck swings with the force of a mountain.
3/4th Place - 4LW of Hydra Esports
Akshan Nasus
19 cards
21 cards
This deck mostly follows the typical gameplan of a Nasus deck, with the added value and pressure of Akshan's package. The deck benefits from the added layer of synergy that targeting your own units for Glimpse Beyond, Ravenous Butcher, and Spirit Leech adds to power through a Warlord's palace and get to Warlord's Hoard faster.
Kindred Elise Ezreal
19 cards
21 cards
Kindred Elise sentinel control aims to use the powerful tempo swing that Burgeoning Sentinel, Bhuru Sentinel, and Kindred's ability bring to the table, allowing you to accelerate your own development while keeping your opponent down. This version has the added pressure of an Ezreal to start burning the opponent out while keeping them off the board.
Aphelios Lux
20 cards
20 cards
The aim of this list is making use of the value generated by Lux while generating guns off Aphelios and potent threats off your Invoke cards to suit the occasion. It acts as a toolbox deck being fairly decent into most strategies and being adaptable.
3/4th - GrandpaRoji
Pantheon Yuumi
16 cards
24 cards
This version of the deck is more 'all in' on having one unstoppable beefcake and swinging until the opponent doesn't exist. It has a suite of 3 Cataclysm to push through damage with an overwhelm unit and all the normal combat tricks and protective spells.
Malphite Taliyah
8 cards
32 cards
Roji's variant of the deck slides more towards handling the board with massive tempo swings and unstoppable overwhelming champions. It has Blue Sentinels to cover the early game and get to the higher end of things sooner, and Desert naturalists to crack open Sarcophaguses effectively. His version opts to more Absolver and Rite of the Arcane with less rite of negation as well.
Udyr Zoe
22 cards
18 cards
They say that the cold of the mountains can drive a man mad, this is evidence of this. The deck attacks on multiple unexpected angles, opting to use Stance Swaps in tandem with Saga Seeker. It also has Sunbursts as a catch all for dealing with big threats, and the Buried in Ice + It that Stares combo to wipe the enemy's board with one Feel the Rush to top it all off. It looks to be centered on value without losing too much tempo, and is very interesting to see.