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New series of Tournaments – $100 Dailies!!

Hello world, do I have some news for you!

In this coming week, we're going to be holding Daily Cash Prize Tournaments from Monday to Friday, with a minimum prize pool of $100 each called "$100 Dailies!"

We plan to take a lot of player feedback on how this series goes to see if there is much interest in further cash tournaments with entry fee such as these. This includes possibly expanding to run tournaments at various times and for folks across different regions if there's enough interest. A lot of this week will be a learning experience and testing things out, so I hope you'll join us and take a shot at winning some cash at the same time!

Tournament Format

Each tournament will have 4 rounds of Swiss, Best of Three matches, Riot Lock Format.

The swiss rounds are followed by a cut to Top 8 based on points and tiebreakers. The top 8 bracket is single elimination, Best of three matches, with the prize pool being split between the top 4.

For the swiss rounds, players will be allowed a grace period of 10 minutes from the start of each round to reach out to their opponent, and or make their presence known. If a player has reached out to their opponent and not heard from them after 10 minutes, the matter will be investigated, and if the opponent has not reached out or made themselves known, then the missing player will be disqualified and the present player will get a free match win.

The tournaments will take place on (links below). They are Open Decklist, and deck information will be collected from players on registration, and made available to everyone after the tournament has started via a spreadsheet, alongside their Riot ID#s

Players will be able to report their own match results on the website.

Prizing Information

The prize pool is at minimum $100 USD split between top 4. For each player's entry, $5.00 goes towards the prize pool, and $1.50 is a registration fee. This means, if a tournament gets more than 20 participants, then for each extra person, there is $5 more on the line.

ie; 8 players means $100 prize pool ($40 from player's entry's, $60 from us at Masteringruneterra,) 20 players is $100 prize pool, 21 players is $105, and so on.

1st: 40% of the pool

2nd: 30% of the pool

3/4th: 15% of the pool each

Additional Info

Each tournament will start at 7:00 pm est, Monday through Friday, Feb 21st through Feb 25th. They are open to anyone with an account on the Americas server.

Tournament pay-in can only be done via credit card for the time being, payment information will be taken when registering for the tournament, and the amount will be withdrawn if/when the tournament starts. If we do not have 8 players for a tournament, then we will not fire the tournament, and nobody will be charged for entry.

The bracket will be viewable on this page after the tournament starts.

Payout information will be collected shortly after the tournament is concluded.

You can reach out to Gregory the Grey#2657 or the #help channel in our DISCORD with any questions

Tournament Links

Monday 21st

Tuesday 22nd

Wednesday 23rd

Thursday 24th

Friday 25th