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MaRu Podcast #93: Riot’s RubinZoo on LoR Organized Play, Part One

Jae and Bae chat with RubinZoo about the new system for LoR's competitive play, which Rubin has been working on since last year.
The Mastering Runeterra Podcast

Jae and Bae sit down with Riot's Steve Rubin (aka RubinZoo), who is now the Lead on Tournaments for Legends of Runeterra and is currently responsible for outlining a new system for competitive play, which is what he's been working on since the second half of last year. In particular, how to satisfy the upper echelons of competitive pilots while also encouraging more players to get involved in Legends of Runeterra Tournaments – in Rubin's words, the things that motivate competitive players to play other than the game itself.

"2023 will be a year of experimentation and transition," Rubin says. "We'll be simplifying the path to Worlds (we'll have a single pool of Worlds points, rather than Ranked points, Seasonal points, etc). We'll transition into a new tournament system, and February will be a sort of a Beta season for these new systems – and it will be very important for us to get feedback from you all: are the timing windows right, are there too many games, what formats players prefer, how does the reward track feel?

"Our next patch is on Feb 1st; it's a balance patch, and by that time we'll probably have more details about the Beta season."

This was a lengthy conversation, and some of the topics covered exceed what Riot has greenlit us to share right now, so this Podcast will be split into two parts.

Here is Part One of RubinZoo's interview, for your viewing pleasure:

Part Two is coming at the end of the month, with a lot more specifics about actual tournaments.


The Mastering Runeterra Podcast