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Sirturmund & Monte's Recommended LoR Gauntlet & Tournament Decks
I Hate Timelines
Despite my recent tweets I do think Timelines is still a deck that you can expect to encounter quite frequently in any tournament you play. As such, I’ve put together three decks that should beat it consistently to form this lineup.
18 cards
22 cards
Gwen Nox (Credits to Moe)
22 cards
18 cards
20 cards
20 cards
I’ve built this lineup with one goal in mind, beating Trundle Timelines. Pirates and Gwen Nox are two of the best LoR decks in the current meta-game and should hold up into a lot more than just Timelines, so they form an excellent core. I chose to round it out with Kai’Sa because I believe it to still be a reasonable deck, though it does suffer into Ionia, which is arguably the strongest region at the moment.
Our ban strategy will be to protect Kai’Sa, as we can expect any Ionian opponent to leave it up as prey. You’ll likely want to remove Kennen Ezreal above all else, despite the fact that Pirates should do well into it – our other two decks will not. If EzKen doesn’t show up in your opponent’s lineup then you may wish to ban out Scouts.
Ionian Idiots
This has to be the strongest lineup in the current meta-game. If I was an Ionia player, this is definitely what I’d be running.
It’s so strong, in fact, that I’m considering becoming an Ionia player.
Nami Io (Credits to Drisoth)
16 cards
24 cards
Lee Akshan
25 cards
15 cards
Ez Kennen (Credits to Puyshpii)
3 cards
37 cards
This lineup should beat the majority of the meta. Timelines poses no threat, Kindred Nasus will roll over and show you its belly, and Gwen Nox is a very reasonable matchup for Ez and Nami. Having access to Deny and Homecoming allows our decks to easily deal with all of this meta's major threats. We also have insane draw and stabilization tools - Vastayan Disciple and Eye of the Dragon. This all works together to create the perfect storm.
Our ban will be spent at Pirates – while Nami might have a good matchup into Miss Fortune's merry bunch, our other two decks do not and may struggle to stabilize before dying to the excess burn. Other good bans include the opposing Nami Ionia and Lurk… yep, you read that right, Lurk can be problematic.
A Fool’s Errand
This lineup is aptly named, its goal is to go after Kennen Ezreal and I don’t know if that makes the best plan, but here it goes.
Lurk (Credits to Maxgotthetracks)
26 cards
14 cards
18 cards
22 cards
Poppy Taric
22 cards
18 cards
I came up with this lineup by looking at the worst matchups for Kennen Ezreal and throwing them together. I want to stress that this lineup was *not* constructed with other synergies in mind and as such may struggle into a lot of the field, or maybe not. There’s not a ton of data out there on Lurk yet, and I’m always hesitant to recommend it due to its RNGistic nature. Still, if you’re a fool like me and you want to beat Kennen Ezreal, this is where I’d start.
As far as bans go we’ll want to protect either Lurk or Poppy Taric, as these two decks are on a lower overall power level than Pirates. Ironically, one of our best bans IS Pirates and because of that, Nasus Thresh is another excellent ban. Outside of that you’ll have to rely on your instincts and deck knowledge when deciding – take out whatever you really don’t want to play into.
The Navy
Pirates continue to be the most popular deck in ranked while sporting a great winrate. There is no doubt we will encounter many Pirate aggro matchups in the metagame this weekend. This lineup should put a stop to them and send them right back to a Bilgewater cell.
24 cards
16 cards
Nami Twisted Fate SI
23 cards
17 cards
Viego Evelynn
28 cards
12 cards
These three archetypes all should do well versus Pirate aggro in general, but we even teched them further to make that matchup even better. Scouts play Riptide Sermon, allowing us to deal with their Miss Fortune. Nami TF main-decks Go Hard to stabilize early. Viego Evelynn runs Withering Wail and Neverglade Collector to keep our health in a good spot. All of these extra tools, on top of the units these decks usually put out, should make the games against Pirates more favorable for us.
The beauty with this lineup is that it’s not just Pirates that we beat. We also do decently well against two other very popular decks in the meta, Ezreal Kennen and Gwen Katarina Noxus. Scouts does well versus both of those decks (on top of Pirates), meaning I expect most folks to ban our Scouts deck if they’re running at least two of the three mentioned decks so far. Twisted Fate Nami SI does well versus Ezreal Kennen – it does falter heavily versus Red Gwen, but our more heal-oriented techs may allow us to steal wins versus them. For Viego Evelynn things are flipped: it beats Red Gwen but does slightly worse (around 47%) versus Ezreal Kennen. Ideally a well-placed Withering Wail with Hate Spike backup could get us far ahead enough to steal that match up.
So we know what we can beat, but what popular decks do we struggle versus?
Trundle Timelines, Lurk and Kai’Sa are our main three ban targets. Their units get big too quickly, being able to outstat our units and grow bigger than most of our removal. In general, we look to ban decks that can go bigger than our Scouts deck, as it might be the most abusable of our three decks.
For alternate deck ideas, I could only find one deck deep in the stats that seems to share similar tables to the three above: Champless Freljord Shadow Isles. Not Warmother Calls, or ARAM, but pure old-style Champless control with Commander Ledros and She Who Wanders as our top end. Does very well into Pirate Aggro and Kennen Ezreal due to the multitude of AoE they pack, such as Blighted Ravine, Avalanche and Withering Wail. Try at your own risk.
Digging Even Deeper
You saw Monte’s A Fool’s Errand recommendation above, now here is another even more foolish lineup that should consistently beat Ezreal Kennen and Akshan Lee Sin, that I found by digging very very deep in the stats.
24 cards
16 cards
Gangplank Sejuani
4 cards
36 cards
Katarina Twisted Fate
21 cards
19 cards
I know, I know, you probably expected a Deep deck with all my mentions of digging deep. Sorry to disappoint you! Hopefully triple Bilgewater is still enough to satisfy your Deep thirst.
These three decks excel versus Ezreal Kennen and Akshan Lee Sin lineups, without outright folding to Pirate Aggro, thus making them an interesting option to consider. They can apply a lot of pressure to the Ionia decks by going wide and having cheap forms of removal in Make it Rain. The only reason we can’t go fully into that Make It Rain approach is because we cannot use both Pirate Aggro and Twisted Fate Katarina, so instead we swap Pirates with Scouts to still pack a punch versus those two Ionia decks.
As always, though, there is a big risk in going for a highly specialized target lineup: it leaves you open to more decks than if you tried to go for a synergistic lineup. In our case, we want to ban Gwen Elise Noxus almost every time. After that, Timelines, Viego Evelynn and Nami Twisted Fate Ionia should be our focus. You heard that right, Nami TF IO. Because, somehow, even though Gangplank Sejuani and Katarina Twisted Fate can beat Ezreal Kennen, they cannot beat Nami TF.
When looking for an alternate deck for this lineup, I would focus on something that can still have access to Make it Rain and even Parrrley to threaten the Kennens you'll find. Perhaps something like Ping City playing Gnar + X could work – just remember that if X is Gangplank, then you cannot play Sejuani Gangplank. Another option is something like Monkeys, although Deny makes the matchup versus Ionia a bit worse for Monkeys than for other Bilgewater decks.
Target Me, I Dare You
To finish off this week, why don’t we just play the best three decks? It is a meta where I think the best decks don’t share many weaknesses, so it makes sense to just play them together.
Pirate Aggro
18 cards
22 cards
Ezreal Kennen
3 cards
37 cards
Gwen Katarina Elise
25 cards
15 cards