Welcome! Welcome, please step inside... A challenging week at the office, I presume?
But, alas, lets not be reminiscent of spreadsheets, budgets and petty cubicle politics. Friday is here. Freedom arrives – F-words to petty office tiffs! The hour has come to fight for fame and fun.
So come, come my friend. We have the finest selection from such reputed providers as Legna, Balco and Vivo. The best ladder decks, from all across Runeterra. So tell me, please -- are you looking for...
... a Taste of Progress, with the new Jayce blends?
Lux Jayce
Elise Jayce
Heimerdinger Jayce (Ionia)
Ezreal Jayce (Bandle City)
- Jayce Vi (Shadow Isles)
... the tried and true Meta Staples?
Rally Elusives, aka Zed Poppy
Gangplank Sejuani
Ziggs Poppy
Sivir Akshan (Demacia)
Lee Sin Zoe
Draven Sion
Twisted Fate Gangplank (Bandle City)
... something a bit more exotic, from our Connoisseur's selection?
Swain Ziggs
Ziggs Zilean
Gangplank Twisted Fate (Noxus)
Riven Vi
Draven Viktor
Draven Vi
Leona Aurelion Sol (Demacia)
Caitlyn Ezreal (Bandle City)
... or are you after the decidedly Risky and Exotic?
Trundle Sejuani Trindamere (aka Feel the Minah)
Senna Swain
Lone Diana
Poppy Viktor (ft. Curious Shellfolk)
So, tell me, my friend! How shall we equip you for your Ladder climb?
A Taste of Progress
If you were looking for… how should we put it, the “hot and popular”? These Jayce blends are all the rage right now, although it is my duty to warn you: their current performance is far from stellar.
We have a wide selection of other, higher-proficiency blends that you may be interested in, and some of them quite exotic at that, but if were looking for what the shiny new toy everybody is talking, these would be our recommendation:
Lux Jayce
Expensive spells and shiny new cards – with an okay, not-awesome 50% winrate.
Strong Against: Other Jayce blends / Thralls
Struggles Against: Gangplank decks / Lurkers / Dragons / Poppy decks
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Elise Jayce
Wardens of Light, and avatars of Progress, with a penchant for control -- an overall 51% winrate, although this particular list shows an above-average performance.
Strong Against: Gangplank Twisted Fate / Poppy decks /
Struggles Against: Jayce Lux / Draven Sion / Darkness / Thralls
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Heimerdinger Jayce (Ionia)
Teacher and Student team together with Ionian permission spells -- Ionia seems the better pairing for these Champions, but this archetype as a whole performs below 50%. Our suggested list, which switches Production Surge for Spirit's Refuge, shows a slightly better performance.
Strong Against: Only some off-meta decks
Struggles Against: Most meta decks
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Ezreal Jayce (Bandle City)
Piltover’s cockiest pair team up with with Curious Shellfolk. A very exotic, little-tested blend—pilots beware!
Strong Against: Draven Sion / Rally Elusives
Struggles Against: Gangplank Sejuani / Poppy Ziggs
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Jayce Vi (Shadow Isles)
Another iteration mixing Progress and Shadows, this one going big with Commander Ledros. A very recent blend that has just appeared in the data, so again, pilots beware!
Strong Against: Poppy Zed / Poppy Ziggs
Struggles Against: Darkness / Gangplank Sejuani / Jayce Lux
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The Tried and True: Meta Staples
These 53%-plus winrate, 1%-plus playrate blends need no introduction to a connoisseur such as yourself, I am sure.
These are all refined, tried-and-true builds for those that value efficacy over novelty, and efficiency over flaunting of capes. Our recommendation is the highest-winrate brew we could find among the most played variations of each particular Archetype.
Rally Elusives, aka Zed Poppy
Punching them in the face is all the more fun when they cannot see your blows coming. Add Rally for repeated fun!
Strong Against: Thralls / Darkness / Dragons / Lurkers / Gangplank Sejuani / Akshan Sivir
Struggles Against: Gangplank Twisted Fate / Poppy Ziggs / some Draven Sion builds
You may find some extra tips about Zed & Poppy in this guide.
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Gangplank Sejuani
They can’t hurt you if they are all frostbitten. Or you have two 10/10, Overwhelming champs.
Strong Against: Except the three decks below, this blend is either even or favored among the rest of the field – for a deck with a great matchup spread, look no further!
Struggles Against: Thralls / Rally Elusives / Lee Sin Zoe / Miss Fortune decks
You may find some extra tips about the deck in this detailed guide.
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36 cards
Draven Sion
Recent nerfs have slowed down this blend a bit. Keywords being “a bit.” Still gets the job done.
Strong Against: Dragons / Lurkers / Akshan Sivir / Poppy Ziggs / Jayce Lux
Struggles Against: Lee Sin Zoe / Darkness / Gangplank Twisted Fate / Thralls
You may find extra tips in this detailed deck guide.
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Ziggs Poppy
Everybody has a plan, until you go wide and punch them in the face.
Strong Against: Dragons / Thralls / Lurkers / Rally Elusives
Struggles Against: Gangplank Twisted Fate / Draven Sion / Lee Sin Zoe / Darkness
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Sivir Akshan (Demacia)
Renekton still demands gifts. Retooled after its many nerfs, this classic returns at the top of the tier lists.
Strong Against: Dragons / Darkness / Bandle Tree / Gangplank TF
Struggles Against: Gangplank Sejuani / Draven Sion
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Twisted Fate Gangplank (Bandle City)
Another take on everybody’s favorite overwhelming Captain; go wide and punch them in the face, but with kegs!
Strong Against: Bandle Tree / Poppy Ziggs / Lurkers / Rally Elusives / Draven Sion
Struggles Against: Thralls / Dragons / Darkness / Akshan Sivir / Gangplank Sejuani
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Lee Sin Zoe
The trickster leading the blind, for extra Dragon Kicks -- another classic that is never far from the top.
Strong Against: Draven Sion / Poppy Ziggs / Gangplank TF / Thralls
Struggles Against: Bandle Tree / Darkness / Rally Elusives / Swain Teemo
You may learn new behind-kicking tricks in Jasensational's guide for this particular blend.
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The Connoisseur’s Corner
Looking for something a bit harder to find on the ladder? Here is our selection of rarer blends—some of them returning to the spotlight, some of them quite new—to get the job done while not bloating the playrates of the most popular choices.
Swain Ziggs (55%+)
Why pair Ziggs with the little guys, when you can pair him with the Grand General?
Strong Against: Rally Elusives / Darkness / Draven Sion
Struggles Against: Poppy Ziggs / Gangplank decks / Lurkers / Bandle Tree
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Ziggs Zilean (55%+)
For those looking for the really rare: a blend that should work on paper, but never quite did… but now apparently does.
Strong Against: Darkness / Thralls / Swain Teemo / Gangplank decks
Struggles Against: Akshan Sivir / Rally Elusives / Bandle Tree / Dragons / Lurkers
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14 cards
Gangplank Twisted Fate (Noxus / 54%+)
The original keg-tossing blend, later overshadowed by its Bandle City variant, still packs all its original punch.
Strong Against: Rally Elusives / Akshan Sivir / Bandle Tree
Struggles Against: Jayce Lux / Darkness / Gangplank Sejuani / The Bandle City version
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Riven Vi (54%+)
Big girls, with big Hextech gloves and big blades. Add an Elusive Ambush for extra punch!
Strong Against: Riven Swain / Poppy Ziggs / Lurkers / Bandle Tree / Gangplank TF
Struggles Against: Lee Sin Zoe / Rally Elusives Akshan Sivir / Draven Sion / Thralls
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Draven Viktor (52%)
Did I mention the heartwarming feeling of punching them in the face with Elusives? Well, now add more “huge” for more punch!
Strong Against: Bandle Tree / Dragons
Struggles Against: Darkness / Gangplank Twisted Fate
You may find some extra tips about the deck in this detailed guide.
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Draven Vi (55%+)
Another take on the powerful Noxian and P&Z pairing, abusing Ambush for that brutal combo finish.
Strong Against: Lurkers / Gangplank TF / Swain Teemo
Struggles Against: Lee Sin Zoe / Draven Viktor / Akshan Sivir / Draven Sion