Twenty-four hours into the patch, these are the strongest decks in Plat+, among decks close to or above the 1% playrate mark, according to our favorite data sources, Balco and Legna.
Early Leaders
As Zilean says, "Predictions are hard, and especially about the future."
With unrefined brews (and extremely generous pilots bent on donating LPs through taking archetypes with below-Sun-Disc performances to the ladder), it's anybody's guess which brews will come out on top in a couple of weeks from now.
That caveat out of the way, here are the best performing new Archetypes, according to the data.
Gnar Ziggs Noxus: 55%+ WR
Gnar fits like a glove in the old ladder terror, Yordle Burn. This is the deck with the highest playrate at Plat+, and second only to old-dog Fizz Lulu in winrate ( just by a tiny bit).
Some versions go for a slightly more midrange-y curve, adding Spotted Toad to the mix. While doing well, they seem to be a bit inferior to the more aggressive builds.
(And if you fancy playing Midrange with this region pair, you may be better served by Swain Gnar, which is coming up next).
It's a slight underdog to old-dogs Fizz Lulu, Scouts, and Darkness, and seems to have a hard time against the rejuvenated Bandle Tree.
Seems to consistently beat Swain Gnar and Lurkers.
15 cards
25 cards
Swain Gnar: 55%+ WR
Nexus damage? Noxus approves, and so does the Grand General.
Interestingly, the archetype seems to be polluted with a few bad (or badly played…) lists, which suggests there's lots of room for improvement.
Has a really bad time against Ziggs Gnar and Darkness, and is slightly unfavored against Scouts and Lurkers.
20 cards
20 cards
Yuumi Pantheon Demacia: 54% WR
If you want to play this Champion pair, Demacia is the way -- the Bandle City version seems to be far inferior.
There's not much data, but it seems to die horribly to Gnar Ziggs and Elise Noxus.
16 cards
24 cards
Braum Galio: 53% WR
Currently the best-performing Galio build, and the only one sitting solidly over the 50% WR mark.
Current smallish data samples suggest that its weak into Gnar Ziggs and Elise Noxus, but very strong into Scouts.
26 cards
14 cards
Up to You…
All these champion pairings perform roughly at, or decidedly below, 50% -- there may be a diamond in the rough here, but if that's the case it needs quite a bit more polish.
Up to you if you want to take your chances:
Sejuani Gnar (nearly 50%),
Gangplank Gnar Bandle City: 48% WR overall, although the recommended list is at 51%,
Yuumi Pantheon Bandle City (47%)
Soraka Galio Starspring (44%) - Huge playrate, and has found success in the hands of extremely gifted players, but on average leaks LPs left, right and center.
Seen on the Twittersphere
Proceed with caution -- these are Aspect Tier pilots, expect your mileage to vary.
Fizz Gnar YiA
The build with which faintHD arrived to Americas Master first.
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23 cards
Gnar Galio
Recommended by prominent pilot and admirable alliterator Cephalopod, who described it thus: "Freljord Formidable forms a fantastic fortress of fat fellows! Regen from the fox functionally forces favorable fumbles from foes, and four power fancy fearsome fervently finds fatalities."
24 cards
16 cards
Akshan Gnar
"If you're looking for a good honest midrange deck," says Aikado, "to help you through first week of patch, here it is."
20 cards
20 cards
Bonus Track: Ye Ole Powerhouses
These old dogs may not have learned any new tricks, but boy are they booting unrefined butts six ways from Sunday:
Fizz Lulu (which is currently one of the top-performing deck in Plat+) -- notice that, technically speaking, it IS a new deck, since it includes Yordle Portal! =)
Scouts, which needless to say is the only Goddess Tier deck when it comes to Champion Skins,
Elise Noxus, which by this time probably deserves to be declared GOAT.
In Closing
The meta is chock-full with new archetypes -- the above seem to be the strongest among the most played, but who knows what will bubble up in the next few days?
Stay tuned for our Weekend Warrior Weapons tomorrow, when we'll dig deeper into the little-played archetypes!
Any questions or comments, or more data you may need, poke me on Twitter ( or ping me on Discord (Herko Kerghans#6252).
Good luck in your brewing or climb! =)