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Ashe LeBlanc Deck Guide

Ashe Noxus is an old midrange archetype that seeks to play big units, and protect them with Frostbite spells.

Ashe Noxus is an old midrange archetype that aims to take board control with big units and protect them with Frostbite spells and other combat tricks. In the past this deck was played with SejuaniSejuani, but on release, LeBlancLeBlanc looked to be a great addition to the list. 

With a plethora of Frostbites and big units with 5+ attack, this deck can easily level up AsheAshe and LeBlancLeBlanc, as well as meet the requirement for Reputation to trigger.

Throughout many previous patches, Ashe LeBlanc has received new cards and had old cards buffed, and it is getting to the point where it's a viable pick in the meta. While this deck does not have a high playrate on ladder, it can be used to counter one of the most prominent decks of the format, namely Bard Illaoi, while holding its own against Kai'sa decks.

22 cards
18 cards
31 000
Mana cost
Trifarian Training Pits
Trifarian Training Pits
Omen Hawk
Omen Hawk
Icevale Archer
Icevale Archer
Trifarian Gloryseeker
Trifarian Gloryseeker
Avarosan Trapper
Avarosan Trapper
Trifarian Assessor
Trifarian Assessor
Avarosan Hearthguard
Avarosan Hearthguard
Captain Farron
Captain Farron
Incisive Tactician
Incisive Tactician
Brittle Steel
Brittle Steel
Three Sisters
Three Sisters
Troll Chant
Troll Chant
Culling Strike
Culling Strike
Flash Freeze
Flash Freeze
Whispered Words
Whispered Words

General Mulligan Strategy

LoR Deck Ashe LeBlanc -- An early Enraged Yeti, which will be shuffled into our deck after we play Avarosan Trapper, can give us a huge edge

This section is for people who are in game while reading the guide or just want a quick breakdown of the Mulligan. Details about each card will be explained in the Card Breakdown section of the guide.

Always Keep – Avarosan TrapperAvarosan Trapper, Omen HawkOmen Hawk, and LeBlancLeBlanc

Against Aggro – Icevale ArcherIcevale Archer and Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker 

Sometimes Keep – AsheAshe is good to keep if you already have two “Always Keep” cards in hand and you are not against Aggro. Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker and Culling StrikeCulling Strike are good to keep for removal against important units, like for example AzirAzir.

Other cards should not be kept in most matchups.

The Ashe LeBlanc Deck: Card Breakdown

Our Champions: Ashe and LeBlanc


AsheAshe is one of our main win conditions. Our deck can level up Ashe extremely easily.

Since you will usually have a board with big units, a leveled-up Ashe with some Frostbite spells can make several of the opponent’s units unable to block, which allows you to push a lot of damage and potentially win the game.

If the opponent does not have any Slow-speed responses, Crystal ArrowCrystal Arrow from Ashe (level 2)Ashe (level 2) can Frostbite most of their board and allow you to push damage and win the game. With Crystal ArrowCrystal Arrow, you are able to Frostbite an enemy, and all other enemies with three or less Health – and if you attack with Ashe, enemy units with zero Power won't be able to block. When using this card, make sure to target the enemy with more than three Health if there is one. Crystal Arrow also allows you to draw a card, so you can also use it as a last resort if you need to look for a card.


LeBlancLeBlanc is a great unit to put early pressure on the opponent, as well as a potential win condition if you are able to level her up. 

LeBlanc’s Mirror ImageMirror Image has many great targets in our deck to copy and win the game, including Incisive TacticianIncisive Tactician, AsheAshe, and Captain FarronCaptain Farron

If the prior targets do not threaten enough damage to win the game and you need to get more value for the long-term game plan, copying Trifarian AssessorTrifarian Assessor, and Avarosan Hearthguard Avarosan Hearthguard are good options.

Avarosan Trapper

Avarosan Trapper Enraged Yeti

Avarosan TrapperAvarosan Trapper is one of our best early-game units and great to play on round three. You want to ensure you play this card as soon as possible since the Enraged YetiEnraged Yeti it creates in the deck provides more value the earlier it is drawn.

The Enraged YetiEnraged Yeti is a one-mana 5|5 unit that counts as a draw for Trifarian AssessorTrifarian Assessor, helps level up LeBlanc, and also trigger Reputation. 

Buffing Units

Omen HawkAvarosan Hearthguard

These units are here to grant more stats to other units. Omen HawkOmen Hawk early can help your units take better trades, as well as survive potential removal spells, such as Pokey StickPokey Stick. For example, an early Omen HawkOmen Hawk buff on LeBlancLeBlanc can prevent her getting removed by Mystic ShotMystic Shot.

Avarosan Hearthguard Avarosan Hearthguard is good as it buffs your whole deck. This allows Trifarian AssessorTrifarian Assessor to count herself to draw a card, as she will have five Power.

These buffs not only help units survive longer, but the Power buff allows them to speed up LeBlanc's level-up, trigger Reputation faster, and push more damage overall.


Icevale ArcherBrittle SteelFlash Freeze

These cards are meant to allow your units to take favorable trades, as well as level up AsheAshe

Icevale ArcherIcevale Archer is a great early-game unit to punish development on the opponent’s Attack Token. It is worth keeping against Aggro, and also useful in the late game to freeze big units, especially ones that have Spellshield.

All of these cards are not only used for your units to take favorable trades, but can also be used as a finisher with Ashe (level 2)Ashe (level 2), as comboing multiple freezes can make most of the opponent’s board unable to block.


Trifarian Gloryseeker Culling Strike Reckoning

Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker and Culling StrikeCulling Strike are used to remove your opponent’s key units. For example, AzirAzir is a great target for both of these.

These cards shine specifically in this deck because they can combo well with your Frostbite cards. Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker can be saved, since without a buff she usually only has one health, and a Frostbite can allow Culling StrikeCulling Strike and ReckoningReckoning to remove any unit in the game.

ReckoningReckoning is great to help you finish the game, as most of your units will survive, and it will often be a fatal board-wipe for your opponent. 

Card Draw

Trifarian AssessorWhispered Words

Sometimes, midrange decks can run out of units before they can finish the game, so draw is essential.

Trifarian AssessorTrifarian Assessor is one of our best cards, as it allows us to oftentimes draw three or more cards when she is played. 

Whispered WordsWhispered Words is usually a two-mana draw two in this deck, so it is great to refill your hand later in the game.


Trifarian Training Pits Incisive Tactician Captain Farron

These cards help you end the game through Rally, or in the case of Captain FarronCaptain Farron, Overwhelm and direct Nexus damage with DecimateDecimate

Since many of our units have 5+ Power, it is insanely easy for us to gain the Rally from Trifarian Training PitsTrifarian Training Pits. If we have AsheAshe or LeBlancLeBlanc on board, it can also be played in the midgame to pressure the opponent.

Incisive TacticianIncisive Tactician and Captain FarronCaptain Farron are extremely strong finishers and can combo with a Mirror ImageMirror Image from LeBlanc for even more damage. 

One big difference between these finishers is Captain FarronCaptain Farron can win the game on his own if you have dealt enough damage to the Nexus prior to round 8 or 9, but the other two cards usually need more of a board to win the game.

Other Spells

Three Sisters Troll Chant

Three SistersThree Sisters is a great flexible card that allows for multiple Combat Tricks, or even an EntombEntomb to push damage – remember that, if an Overwhelm attacker is being blocked, and you remove the blocker, then the Overwhelm unit will strike the Nexus for full damage.

Troll ChantTroll Chant is amazing to prevent damage and help your key units to survive.

Tech Options

Avarosan SentryHarsh Winds Elixir of Iron Kato The Arm

This deck has many cards that can be teched, so I will not go through them all in this guide, but these are some options.

Avarosan SentryAvarosan Sentry and Babbling BjergBabbling Bjerg can be used as alternative draw options. 

Harsh WindsHarsh Winds and Rimetusk ShamanRimetusk Shaman can be used to progress Ashe’s level-up, as well as finishers when Ashe is on board.

Elixir of IronElixir of Iron and Sharpened ResolveSharpened Resolve are solid combat tricks to save your Key Units.

Kato The ArmKato The Arm can be used as an alternative five-drop to give Overwhelm to other units and push for lethal.

Ashe LeBlanc's General Gameplan & Matchup Tips

LoR Deck Ashe LeBlanc -- LeBlanc, one our two Champions, is one of our best early units

This is a midrange deck that aims to take board control with big units, and use Frostbites, as well as other combat tricks, to protect them. With board control and big units you are able to draw many cards from Trifarian AssessorTrifarian Assessor, and eventually end the game either with a Mirror ImageMirror Image combo from LeBlanc, Captain FarronCaptain Farron, or most commonly, a big attack with Ashe (level 2)Ashe (level 2).

Kai'Sa Demacia - Slightly Unfavored

Try to force trades and apply pressure early to keep their board narrow.

Flash FreezeFlash Freeze + Culling StrikeCulling Strike is usually the only combo that can remove Kai'Sa on round five, as Icevale ArcherIcevale Archer gives them an action to apply Spellshield to Kai'Sa with either SuperchargeSupercharge, or Belvethi ElderBelvethi Elder and Second SkinSecond Skin

If they use Ancient HourglassAncient Hourglass to save her, she will be at zero Power on round six, allowing you to use a second Culling StrikeCulling Strike, a ReckoningReckoning, or try to Challenge her with a buffed Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker – however, they could have buffs like SharpsightSharpsight to survive the attack or Rite of NegationRite of Negation to prevent the ReckoningReckoning, but sometimes you need to hope that they do not have it since you cannot play around every card in their deck.

If all else fails, be ready with Spells to survive the Kai'Sa attack and attempt to end the game with AsheAshe and Rally, or force the opponent to trade their own Kai'Sa on the next round.

This matchup becomes much harder if they are playing Sivir, as she is an extra threat that is hard to deal with due to Spellshield. Icevale ArcherIcevale Archer is great to stall in this matchup, since his Frostbite goes through Spellshield, and Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker can trade with their Sivir.

Bard Illaoi - Favored

The Illaoi Bard matchup being favored is one of the main reasons people play Ashe LeBlanc.

Keep their TentacleTentacle weak and force them to trade with your big units. Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker can freely trade with Watchful IdolWatchful Idol and Esmus, Breath of the WorldEsmus, Breath of the World. Culling StrikeCulling Strike is big in this matchup, as IllaoiIllaoi needs four ChimeChimes to survive, and even if she gets them, you can still Frostbite her and then use your removal. 

Try to save a Troll ChantTroll Chant or Three SistersThree Sisters for AsheAshe, or wait until she is leveled or buffed, as a Tentacle SmashTentacle Smash will remove her if she has three Health. Riptide SermonRiptide Sermon can also remove Ashe, but your deck can produce multiple big threats other than Ashe that the opponent will have a hard time dealing with.

Twisted Fate Teemo - Unfavored

This matchup is really hard. You want to try to save as much Health as possible and try to deny Plunder if you can. 

Icevale ArcherIcevale Archer is great in this matchup to prevent early aggression. Troll ChantTroll Chant is a great card to prevent Double UpDouble Up, as well as allowing you to take favorable trades, but it is not worth keeping in the Mulligan.

Mulligan for early game units and only keep AsheAshe if you have a good hand.

Annie Jhin - Very Unfavored

This is similar to Twisted Fate Teemo, as you want to try to save as much Health as possible. 

Always play for Nexus Health, and only keep AsheAshe in the mulligan if you have a good hand.

Try to look for Icevale ArcherIcevale Archer and Avarosan TrapperAvarosan Trapper. Trifarian GloryseekerTrifarian Gloryseeker is also a great keep, especially if you are attacking on even rounds, as AnnieAnnie has zero Attack and she can be Challenged for free.

Culling StrikeCulling Strike works on most of their units, but it usually costs more mana than they pay to play them.

Beware of Solari SunhawkSolari Sunhawk and The StagehandThe Stagehand, as they can stun your blockers. Try to have Frostbite cards ready just in case.

Thralls - Unfavored

In this matchup, you need to apply pressure and try to close out the game around round six, when they get their Thralls out. LeBlancLeBlanc, Avarosan TrapperAvarosan Trapper and units buffed by Omen HawkOmen Hawk are great for this. 

Culling StrikeCulling Strike can kill LissandraLissandra, but she can get her Attack buffed with Fury of the NorthFury of the North

If they are about to get multiple Frostguard ThrallFrostguard Thralls out in a Round, try to have Frostbites up, as well as Culling StrikeCulling Strike or ReckoningReckoning

If you only have the Frostbites, use them to stall and set up for lethal on your next attack. It can sometimes be worth it to take some damage from the attack and save the Frostbites if you have Ashe (level 2)Ashe (level 2), as it can prevent more of the opponent’s units from blocking.

If they have mana up for Buried in IceBuried in Ice, you may be forced to open-attack, as you will often lose the game if they play this card and you cannot redevelop.

In Closing

LoR Deck Ashe LeBlanc -- Ashe Level 2, one of our win conditions

With that ends my guide for Ashe LeBlanc. Unfortunately, Bard Illaoi is one of the only Favorable matchups for this deck in the current meta, as most of the other popular decks are even or unfavorable. 

However, as Bard Illaoi is extremely popular still, Ashe LeBlanc can be a great choice for tournaments if you are constructing a lineup that wants to target Bard Illaoi.

I hope this article helped you to understand how to play this archetype better, and if you have any questions, let me know – Here are some of my socials:




LoR Deck Ashe LeBlanc -- Ashe Level 2, one of our win conditions

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