Rally Rally Rally
Demacia lovers rejoice!
This is the season for you. At the moment rally decks are very prominent on the ladder, and I fully expect something similar to this to be the most common lineup of the weekend.Â
Panth Yuumi
14 cards
26 cards
Tristana Gnar YiA
8 cards
32 cards
34 cards
6 cards
You’ll want to play this lineup to beat up on anyone foolish enough to bring control, and you’ll find success against Gnar of all varieties (Scouts boasts a fantastic matchup spread into Bandle Tree, Gnarlines, and Akshan Gnar - though it does lose to Sejuani Gnar).
In a mirror matchup, you’ll want to ban out Yuumi Pantheon -- as a rule, the bigger Demacia decks win Demacia mirrors. Yuumi Pantheon will be able to develop bigger units and finish out the game with Cataclysm or other Rallies. If that fails, they will just drop a levelled Pantheon and heal back to full, or remove your major threats. Best to remove the matchup from the equation and try to win the two matchups that are closer to fifty-fifty.
If you want to make some changes to the lineup you could play Sivir Akshan over Scouts or Tristana, to be slightly better in the Demacia mirrors.
Suck Scouts
This lineup comes from my friend SantaTCG who played it to second in one of our very own Mastering Runeterra daily tournaments. This is a bit of a riskier lineup as it relies on targeting Scouts: although Scouts is a deck I expect to be popular this week there’s no guarantee my meta read is good.
Sivir Akshan
21 cards
19 cards
Sejuani Gnar
17 cards
23 cards
Yuumi Pantheon
14 cards
26 cards
Sejuani Gnar is a deck that doesn’t appear to perform terribly well on the ladder but in a tournament, you can remove its worst matchups (Darkness and Bandle Tree) to let it thrive.
Alternative options for this lineup are to swap Scouts for Sivir Akshan, and Akshan Gnar for Sejuani Gnar. This will give you an equally good mid-range lineup that trades some power in the Scouts matchup for a more even matchup spread.
Ban strategy for this one is going to be to take out any burn decks you bump into. All of the lists in this lineup are going to struggle with a burn strategy as they lack healing -- this makes decks like Gnar Ziggs very threatening.
If you dodge all the burn players the Tristana can be a decent ban. Stats show we’re slightly unfavoured into Tristana with both Gnar Sejuani and Sivir Akshan.
Monte’s Weapon of Choice
This is the lineup I’ll be playing this weekend.
I personally believe Gnarlines is the deck that gains the most out of playing Gnar while also being the most fun, so I wanted to build my lineup around it. I’m still not sure if these decks mesh 100% perfectly and have a cohesive ban strategy, but that’s why I’ll be testing it out. My goal with this lineup is just to play 3 decks that I feel are very strong in the current meta. Since you can’t play Gnar twice, I had to make some changes to the Tristana deck -- it doesn’t lose much playing Poppy instead.
23 cards
17 cards
34 cards
6 cards
Tristana Poppy
10 cards
30 cards
Our ban strategy is once again going to be to take burn decks out of the equation as Gnarlines will struggle into them.
If there are no madmen out there playing burn, or if they’re crazy enough to put burn in a lineup with Pantheon Yuumi (or Taric), you’ll want to take that deck off the table. While I believe the Pantheon matchup is fine for Gnarlines, the stats show otherwise -- bad enough it should be a ban on sight.
Everyone is on Pantheon? Okay then!
Pantheon Yuumi is probably the best deck of the current meta. It does well versus most things, and specifically does well versus both Scouts and Darkness, two decks I expect to be seen a lot in the metagame.
As such, a sound strategy might be to target the Pantheon deck strategies, so going back to the classic go-wide aggro is worth consideration.
Elise Noxus SpidersÂ
22 cards
18 cards
Gnar Ziggs Aggro Burn
18 cards
22 cards
Fizz Lulu YiA
18 cards
22 cards
All three decks presented here have an almost 70% winrate versus Pantheon decks and have 60% or higher versus Akshan Sivir. So the strategy is simple -- leave those two midrange Demacia decks open.
Other decks that we do well into include Galio variants, Bandle Tree, and Lurk. Any of those you can leave fully open as your decks will beat them. We then have even matchups versus Trundle Gnar Timelines, Gnar Swain, and Lee Zoe, allowing you to leave them open if needed.
In terms of the ban, Shadow Isles is priority number one. Specifically, we want to ban the control Shadow Isles decks that are playing Withering Wail, The Box, or any other sort of Aoe/Heal control cards. Usually, if you face a triple control lineup, it will be very tough to win with this lineup but it's not impossible if you ban the deck with the most AoE and heal.
Outside of control, we do have a bad matchup versus Scouts, so it is worth considering when running into it. My last ban suggestion would be combo type decks like Akshan Gar Papercraft dragon, as they can ignore your rush and just set up their one-turn kill.
If there is one of these decks you do not have access to or enjoy playing, an alternate would be Pirate Aggro with Miss Fortune and Gangplank.
Counter The Counter Line Up
As I mentioned in the previous section, Pantheon decks will be all the rage this weekend. As such, counter lineups like the one above will be popular. So why don’t we 5head them and bring the counter to the counters??
The idea here is to expect an influx of aggro decks or YiA decks and to counter them. I present to you below two approaches to accomplish this: A control approach for those of you who love control, and an atypical aggro approach for those of you who enjoy playing non-typical aggro decks.
Control Approach:
So with this control approach, the idea is simple: triple Shadow Isles to make Aggro’s life miserable. All of these decks also run some variant number of The Box or Withering Wail to allow you to effectively deal with very swarmy boards. Your main target will be aggro decks, so leave those open whenever possible. The more low-health units they have, the better. Aside from aggro, you do surprisingly well versus Gnar Swain and GP Sejuani, so you can leave those two decks open as well.
16 cards
24 cards
20 cards
20 cards
Kindred Sentinel Control P&Z
12 cards
28 cards
Alternate: Thresh ASol, FTRÂ
In terms of bans, you want to not face Scouts most of the time. Their rallies are a very big deal versus your decks. Other rally decks like Sivir Akshan and Pantheon Taric could also present a big issue, but against Pantheon, you might be okay due to the Vengeances and other removal tools you carry. If you see Bandle Tree in the opponent's lineup, you have to, unfortunately, instant ban it due to how miserable that match-up versus your Darkness and Anivia can be.Â
If you are not an Anivia believer, an easy swap is to play Feel The Rush Trundle Tryndamere instead. A similar level of AoE removal, but just a different win condition. Another alternative is Thresh Aurelion Sol. I would check out XxWhatAmIxX’s profile to see what latest version of Thresh Aurelion Sol he is on.
Aggro Approach
Draven Rumble
18 cards
22 cards
17 cards
23 cards
Ekko Zilean
16 cards
24 cards