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Ezreal Vi Shellfolk Deck Guide

For everyone that loves combo and winning look no further

Deck Overview

It’s the deck that was so scary, almost all opponents banned it in the World Championship Top 16 – Ezreal Shellfolk! (…and ViVi is in there too, I guess…). I have been playing almost exclusively this deck on master’s ladder over the past week, and it is one of the strongest and most fun decks I have played. Let’s jump into what makes it so good, how to play it effectively, and its matchups!

This deck is inherently a combo deck, where you fight to stay alive as you assemble the pieces, then explode with overwhelming card advantage as soon as your Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk hits the board on turn six or seven. Unanswered, Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk will completely take over the game, both stopping your opponent’s plans and furthering your own. Finally, EzrealEzreal can provide the burn over the top to close out the game.


The Decklist, Key Cards, and Tech Options

20 cards
Piltover & Zaun
20 cards
27 900
Mana cost
Loping Telescope
Loping Telescope
Station Archivist
Station Archivist
Curious Shellfolk
Curious Shellfolk
Thermogenic Beam
Thermogenic Beam
Trinket Trade
Trinket Trade
Mystic Shot
Mystic Shot
Pokey Stick
Pokey Stick
Time Trick
Time Trick
Sump Fumes
Sump Fumes

Here is Alanzq’s version that won Worlds  it must be pretty good, right? Personally, I find Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers to be an incredibly strong card in the current meta, hitting many of the big threats in other decks. To make space, I have removed one copy of ViVi and the copy of AftershockAftershock, as AftershockAftershock is too situational, Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers can fill a similar role as ViVi, and hands with multiple ViVi can be clunky. The deck is relatively flexible with its removal spells, so you may find yourself swapping out any of the non-essential cards to suit the current metagame. Below are the cards that I would never swap out and their role in the deck:

Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk: It’s essentially our second champion, and the most insane value engine in the game.

EzrealEzreal: A great finisher that synergizes with the card advantage generated by Shellfolk

Trinket TradeTrinket Trade: This card enables Shellfolk’s strongest synergy for one mana, and often counts as multiple spells when cast with levelled EzrealEzreal.

Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope: A great early stabilization unit that has the potential to generate game-winning celestial or epic cards.

ConchologistConchologist: Out of all of the regions I have played with this card, PnZ + Bandle City give a fantastic selection of spells. Great early unit and insane with Shellfolk.

Mystic ShotMystic Shot: The classic PnZ removal – very efficient at clearing units during combat or damaging the nexus for a win

Sump FumesSump Fumes: Three mana for three damage almost every time – you can add the second card to your hand with nearly any unit, Trinket TradeTrinket Trade, Time TrickTime Trick, or Pokey StickPokey Stick.

Pokey StickPokey Stick: Rounding out the removal package, another card that can either hit the nexus or a unit, and helps keep cards in your hand.

The other cards – ViVi, MinimorphMinimorph, Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers, and Station ArchivistStation Archivist – are all great, but can likely be swapped around without damaging the core of the deck substantially. For example, if Bandle Tree makes a resurgence, adding a copy or two of AftershockAftershock is probably useful. If more one-health units become popular, TimewinderTimewinder or Statikk ShockStatikk Shock could be strong considerations. If SionSion falls off the map, MinimorphMinimorph might be less necessary. Gotcha is also a strong removal option, given the amount of card draw that we have through Pokey StickPokey Stick and Time TrickTime Trick. Recently, Lecturing YordleLecturing Yordle has been seeing play over Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers as an option to deal with some of the one-health units in the metagame. 


Generating Value from Shellfolk


Since Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk is your main win condition, we need to understand the best ways to generate advantage when it hits the board. The strongest option is typically a Trinket TradeTrinket Trade which can be used to generate two copies of a spell (one with reduced cost), or, if the options aren’t desirable, two OtterpusOtterpus, where one of them costs 0 mana. Choosing OtterpusOtterpus effectively lets you refund the cost of the spell, get a unit on the board, and generate a PrankPrank. Casting the PrankPrank lets you weaken one of your opponent’s cards and gain a copy of it at reduced cost. All for one mana, you have an OtterpusOtterpus on the field, OtterpusOtterpus in your hand, pranked your opponent, and gained a copy of their card at reduced cost. The value is insane!

If your Shellfolk make it to the next turn, you can continue the absurd value generation with most of your units (Station ArchivistStation Archivist, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope, or ConchologistConchologist) or Time TrickTime Trick. Sometimes, the Shellfolk will get answered, but by this point EzrealEzreal should be close to levelled up, so you can play him on the board and unload your spells for lethal.


That’s all great, but how do we get there?


To survive until you can play your Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk, you will need the spells and units to deny your opponent from early value. Most of this is extremely matchup dependent, so check out those sections for specific advice.

In general, you need to think through what cards need to be removed in the early game (e.g. Bandle City MayorBandle City Mayor) and try to have your spells ready to remove them. If they are threats that must attack (e.g. Legion SaboteurLegion Saboteur), you can try to have blockers that trade effectively.

To get those answers, you need to mulligan very carefully depending on the matchup (more on this below!) and determine the right time to play cards that can find you more answers: ConchologistConchologist, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope, Station ArchivistStation Archivist, and, if absolutely necessary, Trinket TradeTrinket Trade.

Finally, you need to embrace the pass button. With every action, ask yourself “What are they threatening?” If the answer is “not much” you should probably pass rather than continuing to develop a unit.


The Mulligan:


A correct mulligan is essential to success with this deck – if you keep too greedy of a hand or you don’t have the right answers to the opponent’s threats, you will lose. Mulligans are extremely specific to the matchup (details in the matchups below!), but I would divide them into 3 types: Aggressive early decks (Burn, Noxus Pirates), Midrange Decks (Sion, Bandle Pirates, Plunder), and Late Game decks (Darkness, Bandle Tree).

For burn: Do not keep Shellfolk. Keep early units and removal spells that match their biggest threats.

For midrange: Keep Shellfolk in most cases. Look for your units that generate value

For late game: Always keep Shellfolk and throw away everything if you don’t have them. If you do have them, keep the strongest combo pieces (Trinket TradeTrinket Trade, OtterpusOtterpus for PrankPrank, Time TrickTime Trick).



General Tips:


  • Save any PrankPrank generated by OtterpusOtterpus, whether you have Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk in hand or not. Prank value goes up significantly with a Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk or levelled EzrealEzreal on the board.
  •  Do not play Trinket TradeTrinket Trade unless you have Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk down. Sometimes it must be played early for a removal spell or blocker, but only if you are very desperate. Trinket TradeTrinket Trade is the best way to get value from Shellfolk.
  •  ConchologistConchologist, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope, and Station ArchivistStation Archivist are great early plays, even though they get more value with Shellfolk down. These units help stabilize the board, so do not be afraid to play these units on curve.
  • When playing Station ArchivistStation Archivist, make sure to have at least 2 mana to take advantage of the spell, and ideally 3 mana to include Sump FumesSump Fumes. You do not always have to cast the spell, especially if it will cause the opponent to burn a lot of mana.
  •  Match your removal with their threats. While it might be nice to remove an early unit with Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, if Thermo is your only answer to something scary like PoppyPoppy, VeigarVeigar, or GangplankGangplank, you will need to save it.
  • Wait to play EzrealEzreal until he is levelled up in most matchups, unless you have 2 copies or a clunky hand. Sometimes, you need to attempt to generate a Mystic ShotMystic Shot to remove a unit, even if it means losing your EzrealEzreal next turn.
  • This is not a ViVi deck. It’s nice if she levels up, but you can play her as a threat and then not attack – your opponent will be scared to develop, and might just pass back to end the turn, which will get you closer to playing your Shellfolk. Feel free to trade ViVi off as blocker into a big threat like GangplankGangplank or PoppyPoppy
  • Time TrickTime Trick is a useful way to find Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk or EzrealEzreal if you do not have them.


Manifesting the Best Cards:


Between Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope, ConchologistConchologist, and Trinket TradeTrinket Trade, you will be offered cards from a lot of random options. How do you decide what to pick? Here’s my flowchart:

 Are you offered a card that immediately fixes your biggest problem? Maybe they just played PoppyPoppy or NamiNami and you can’t kill it, but you are worried that they will win the game if these units stay on the board. Did ConchologistConchologist just offer you a Sump FumesSump Fumes? Great! The immediate impact of a card to fix a problem is priority number one.

Do any of these cards do something that your deck cannot, or offer you insane value in a matchup? This is especially true with the random Epic coming from Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope. For example, I was once offered Captain FarronCaptain Farron against Caitlyn/Draven on turn 2. I took it, since I know that they have no healing and are not likely to kill me before turn 8. That early pick secured me a win down the road. Other examples to look out for might be EquinoxEquinox, since it fills the gap of being able to deal with a big Spraklefly or a Leviathan.

Are the cards already in my deck? If you find another Mystic ShotMystic Shot, it’s likely your best option! We’re running these cards because they are good, so picking a card that’s already in your deck is probably a safe choice.

Here are links to my Tier 1 choices and Tier 2 choices for the random spell cards (ConchologistConchologist and Trinket TradeTrinket Trade). Tier 1 contains the most efficient damage spells that can clear units and help to level EzrealEzreal. Tier 2 has the less efficient removal and some sneaky tricks (Stress DefenseStress Defense, AmbushAmbush, Jury-RigJury-Rig, and Purpleberry ShakePurpleberry Shake).



Quirky Interactions:


  • Predicting Champs: If you have Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk on the board and predict a champion from Time TrickTime Trick, you do not get a second copy. Similarly, choosing to “skip” the prediction will also not give you a copy of the drawn card.
  • Prank Stacking: If you PrankPrank a card that has been previously pranked and have Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk, you gain the base copy of the card at reduced cost. For example, if you prank an opponent’s Vile FeastVile Feast, you get a one mana Vile FeastVile Feast and your opponent’s now costs four. If you prank that Vile FeastVile Feast again, you will get another copy that costs one mana, and theirs will cost six.
  • Prank with Champions: Pranks prioritize the opponent’s hand and do not hit champions. If they have only two cards in hand and one of them is a champion, your prank will hit the other card and a random card from the deck. You can use this information to get a better read on what your opponent might have.
  • Station ArchivistStation Archivist shows in order: The cards are shown in order with the top card on the left. Sometimes you will see five spells and know exactly what your next five draws will be! Predicting your future draws can be very useful. If you are unhappy with what you see, playing Time TrickTime Trick will shuffle your deck.
  • Sump FumesSump Fumes does not show correctly with the Oracle Eye if you are drawing on the stack: If you add a card to your hand on the stack, the damage from Sump FumesSump Fumes will go up, but it will not show correctly. For example, if you target a 4-health unit with Sump FumesSump Fumes then Pokey StickPokey Stick, the Eye will show that you are doing three damage, but really you will deal one and draw one from the Pokey StickPokey Stick, then deal three more from Sump FumesSump Fumes, for a total of four.



In the current ladder and tournament metagame, this deck is situated fairly well, staying even or advantaged into many of the top decks. If you are running into lots of Ionia Poppy, you will have great success with the Shellfolk deck!


Poppy/Lulu Rally (Demacia/Ionia) (65%):


Mulligan for: Sump FumesSump Fumes, Mystic ShotMystic Shot, Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope, ConchologistConchologist, ViVi

This is your best match up – your removal outvalues their protection spells in most cases. You can slow down their early aggression with your units and force them to use protection spells on turns where they do not have the attack token. Eventually, they will run out of steam and concede to your massive card advantage.

Pass, pass, and more pass! Make them play out their units, and then go after them with your spells or match them with blockers.

Target them when they do not have the attack token. Making them spend SharpsightSharpsight on your turn is far worse than when they are attacking you. Another great play is to take some damage from an attack, and then play your spells after combat. This line can often stop rallies, since they will have to spend mana protecting their units.

Be ready for LuluLulu and PoppyPoppy. Unless your hand has an overwhelming amount of removal spells, you should ignore their smaller threats and instead focus on removing these two key units. Other good targets are Young WitchYoung Witch and Yordle SmithYordle Smith.


Draven/Caitlyn (55%):


Mulligan for: Mystic ShotMystic Shot, Sump FumesSump Fumes, Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, ConchologistConchologist, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope, Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk

Their deck aims to go into the late game, so you have plenty of time to set up your Shellfolk. The problem, of course, is that they often have an answer ready. Typically this requires two cards – first a damage spell, then a Ravenous FlockRavenous Flock. During that one brief turn, you can play lots of PrankPrank, steal their best cards, and burn them out.

They can’t heal. Between your burn spells, levelled EzrealEzreal, and any chip damage you find with your units, you need to look for any way to find lethal.

They have lots of removal: Your units will not live very long, so you need to get value at Burst or Fast speed. When playing Shellfolk, make sure to have Time TrickTime Trick or Trinket TradeTrinket Trade backup. Only play EzrealEzreal when he is levelled and you have spells that can do a lot of damage on the stack.


Nami/Zoe (55%):


Mulligan for: ViViCurious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk, Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, MinimorphMinimorph, ConchologistConchologist, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope

They will likely pass the early turns, then try to drop NamiNami on turn 4 or 5. Use the early turns to play a 2-drop and push some damage, while trying to set up your answers to NamiNami and Fleet Admiral ShellyFleet Admiral Shelly. Don’t hesitate to use a MinimorphMinimorph on either of these as soon as they start to present a threat. For example, just a levelled NamiNami on board is fine, but if they play a unit or a CrescendumCrescendum, throw out the MinimorphMinimorph immediately and force them to have a second NamiNami.

Use ViVi effectively: ViVi is a HUGE threat in this matchup – they only really have HushHush or a stun (GravitumGravitum or Crescent StrikeCrescent Strike) to deal with her. If you manage to play her, do NOT attack until they drop below NamiNami and Fleet Admiral ShellyFleet Admiral Shelly mana. This will likely force them to pass the turn with a lot of mana still up, slowing their win condition and letting you set up EzrealEzreal and Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk.

They can end the game on turns six and seven – watch out!: If you enter turn six or seven and they have the attack token, hold up lots of mana until you are convinced that they can’t kill you. It’s much safer to spend a huge mana investment like Shellfolk or ViVi when you have the attack token, or after they have attacked.

Drop Shellfolk at the right time: If they played a Supercool StarchartSupercool Starchart and not the generated card, you should expect your Shellfolk to get hit with EquinoxEquinox, so be ready to at least get some value with a Trinket TradeTrinket Trade or Time TrickTime Trick and banked mana. Outside of EquinoxEquinox, they don’t have good answers, so dropping Shellfolk on six is very safe and very powerful if you have not seen a Supercool StarchartSupercool Starchart.

Keep an eye on your generated cards: For this matchup in particular, there are some more niche generated cards that become very strong. Look for EquinoxEquinox on Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope to answer Shelly or a big SparkleflySparklefly. From ConchologistConchologist and Trinket TradeTrinket Trade, you might find Iterative ImprovementIterative Improvement (your Shelly? My Shelly!) or either of the spells that give you surprise elusive blockers, AmbushAmbush and Sumpworks MapSumpworks Map. Poro CannonPoro Cannon and Calculated CreationsCalculated Creations are also ways to generate elusive blockers to stall the game.

This matchup hinges on either answering all of their NamiNami and Fleet Admiral ShellyFleet Admiral Shelly, or sticking a Shellfolk and winning the value game. Play to either of those gameplans depending on what your hand looks like after the mulligan.


Darkness (Senna/Veigar) (55%):


Mulligan: Mystic ShotMystic Shot, Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, ViVi, Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk. Keep a Sump FumesSump Fumes if you don’t have a Mystic ShotMystic Shot.

You have two jobs: remove every Twisted CatalyzerTwisted Catalyzer, and remove or MinimorphMinimorph every VeigarVeigar. If they power up their darkness to three damage, they only need two of them to kill Shellfolk, which is very achievable in one turn. If you stem the darkness growth, you will be able to more safely drop Shellfolk and win the value game.

Stop the darkness. Get rid of Twisted CatalyzerTwisted Catalyzer and VeigarVeigar at all costs.

Wait for a safe time to play EzrealEzreal. If they have powered up their DarknessDarkness once, they only need DarknessDarkness and one ping spell (Vile FeastVile Feast or Pokey StickPokey Stick) to remove EzrealEzreal. A levelled up EzrealEzreal is often necessary to close out the game, so try to have lots of burst damage ready before dropping yours.

Prank the Darkness. A PrankPrank on DarknessDarkness hurts more than a typical card, since they must cast it before generating another one. If you feel it is necessary to protect a unit, you might consider spending the PrankPrank before dropping your Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk.


Ez/Shellfolk Mirror (50%):


Mulligan: If it’s not Shellfolk, ViVi, Thermo, MinimorphMinimorph, or Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers, put it back.

This matchup revolves entirely around the Shellfolk. No one can win before turn six, so use this time to bank three spell mana and look for surprise options from Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope if you have one. Use Pokey StickPokey Stick to get targets for EzrealEzreal and draw cards, but turns four, five, and six are where it gets interesting. You need to either be playing a Shellfolk or killing a Shellfolk.

Answer Shellfolk Immediately using either MinimorphMinimorph , Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, or ViVi if she is on board. You cannot let them play any pranks – they get to steal your cards, and, as it so happens, your entire deck is built to give Shellfolk value! The last surviving Shellfolk wins, so pour all of your answers into this card.


Draven/Sion (50%)


Mulligan for: MinimorphMinimorph, Mystic ShotMystic Shot, Sump FumesSump Fumes, Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, ConchologistConchologist, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope

In this matchup, we need to preserve our life total by dealing with early units, then either MinimorphMinimorph on SionSion or kill them as Sion attacks. Our ping spells match up very well into their threats, with Mystic ShotMystic Shot dealing with Risen RiderRisen Rider and Sump FumesSump Fumes or Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam answering DravenDraven. They tend to not have great answers to Shellfolk or Ezreal until they are attacking, so plant those units and squeeze as much value from them before they are removed.

Use spells to save life and level up EzrealEzreal. Remove every unit that they play if you can, as you really want to minimize damage to your nexus in the early game.

Drop Shellfolk on turn six or seven, whichever you are not attacking. Use Trinket TradeTrinket Trade and PrankPrank to generate a ton of value going into their SionSion attack. The best hits for PrankPrank is to take their Mystic ShotMystic Shot or Get Excited!Get Excited!, which can both be used to kill them on the stack.

They can’t heal either. Start looking to finish the game with your own burn spells around turn seven or eight.

Levelled EzrealEzreal can do a LOT of damage. I almost always win this matchup with a leveled EzrealEzreal on board and a SionSion trying to attack me. Develop the EzrealEzreal on their off-turn once it is safe, play as much slow-speed burn as you can, and kill them on the stack with your fast spells.



Bandle Pirates (Twisted Fate/Gangplank) (45%)


Mulligan: Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, Sump FumesSump Fumes, ConchologistConchologist, Mystic ShotMystic Shot, ViVi

Try to minimize chip damage in the early game, then take control of the board with Shellfolk and PrankPrank. They tend to play a lot of threatening units very quickly, and your removal has a hard time keeping up. If you can drop a Shellfolk and Trinket TradeTrinket Trade with at least ten health, you should be in a good position, but that’s easier said than done.

Remove early threats. They do not have much of a late-game, so try to pick off the units as efficiently as possible. Your Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers, ViVi, and MinimorphMinimorph are all good ways to deal with GangplankGangplank

Watch out for Make it RainMake it Rain. For example, try not to have both OtterpusOtterpus and Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope] as your only two units in play – aim for ConchologistConchologist or Station ArchivistStation Archivist instead, and fight with spells rather than blockers in that case. Playing only one unit at a time is a good way to dodge Make it RainMake it Rain.

Save a spell for Double UpDouble Up. Normally, Double UpDouble Up is a terrifying option for them. However, if you just keep a Mystic ShotMystic Shot on hand, you can kill your own unit on the spell stack, preventing the nexus damage from Double UpDouble Up!


Bandle Tree (45%)


Mulligan: Curious ShellfolkCurious Shellfolk, Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers, EzrealEzreal, Mystic ShotMystic Shot, Sump FumesSump Fumes, Pokey StickPokey Stick, Trinket TradeTrinket Trade

This is a race against the clock – they will finish the Bandle Tree on turn eight most likely, so you need to have Shellfolk down on turn six, get value, then convert that value into a win with levelled EzrealEzreal. They also do not run any healing, so any chip damage that you can find is very important.

Answer Bandle City MayorBandle City Mayor and PoppyPoppy. Save removal for these two cards and you will be completely safe. They have no protection spells, so your removal will connect.

Use the early game to set up. They are not aggressive enough to run you down when you answer PoppyPoppy, so you can let them hit you with smaller units. You need to play Pokey StickPokey Stick and any other spells that target units, since a levelled EzrealEzreal is almost essential to winning this matchup.

Develop Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers on turn four. This should either hit a Bandle Tree, delaying their win condition, or a MinimorphMinimorph, allowing you to play Shellfolk safely.


Poppy/Ziggs (45%)


Mulligan: OtterpusOtterpus, Sump FumesSump Fumes, Mystic ShotMystic Shot, Thermogenic BeamThermogenic Beam, ConchologistConchologist, Loping TelescopeLoping Telescope

Poppy/Ziggs is the fastest aggro deck in the meta currently, which is challenging against our deck that has no healing. The game plan is to prevent all damage at all costs, trying to remove their units as efficiently as possible and then quickly end the game with EzrealEzreal around turn seven. 

Avoid Damage at all costs. Even if a spell might be better saved for a different unit, you usually should try to prevent damage by removing any current threats. Ideally, you are trying to get to turn four or five with at least twelve health left, and preferably more. 

Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers can hit DecimateDecimate, and they will usually hold their decimate until it is the last option since it does not add any pressure to the board. Finding the best time to play Aloof TravelersAloof Travelers and remove their DecimateDecimate will slow down their gameplan. 

Start looking for lethal with EzrealEzreal. Since we are playing so many targeted spells to remove enemy units, EzrealEzreal tends to level quickly. They will chip you down over the long-game with DecimateDecimate and impact units if you are on low health – look to end the game as soon as possible with EzrealEzreal


Final Thoughts


Ezreal Shellfolk is a very strong deck that is well-situated into the metagame right now, where every matchup is winnable, but few are favored. It’s a deck with an incredibly high skill ceiling, since you have so many choices to make on any given turn, which can make it tricky to pilot but very rewarding.  

Taking down the World Championships in its first major tournament appearance is quite the explosive entrance, and I have no doubts that we will be seeing more Shellfolk in the future.

Thanks for reading!